Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Meaning of True Love
The Meaning of True Love True love is possibly the most fulfilling of lifes secret treasures. but love by a lesser standard is still extremely important for the human experience. In the poem True Love by Wislawa Szymborska Wislawa talks of how true love is overrated and unnecessary. But in truth the argument against true love is created to comfort those who lack it. Love, if not true love is an crucial emotion for the human race; it is important for psychological development, social development, and in the end happiness. Is love an emotion? Even though love is a mixture of chemicals in the brain it is also a combination of emotions exhibited by the human race. It is the feelings of joy, support, and Strength given through companionship. Love is supposedly the great connector between different people around the globe. Love has driven mankind and its actions for centuries and will do so for centuries to come. Love for others and for heritage and home, provides a stable ground for a diverse community such as our world. But those lacking these basic emotions in their lives can cause disturbances in peoples lives. Even those with a love for their heritage or country may cause cracks in this stable ground if they cannot accept other peoples love for their own heritage or beliefs. True love for the romanticist is the ultimate goal, the purest form of love. A connection that runs extremely deep, binding two people eternally to support and love one another. But as most ultimate things are true love is extreme ly rare and in any day or age, it is equally hard to come bye. But for those lucky enough to gain true love it lasts them a lifetime. Brain scans have proved that a small number of couples can respond with as much passion after 20 years as most people exhibit only in the first flush of love.(Harlow, and Montague) But even without true love people connect and bind themselves to each other, searching for or trying to build the right relationship for themselves. Looking for someone to support them, keep them company, and someone to experience life with. Since the begging of human civilization people have sought out to connect with others, and once acquired these connections have influenced their decisions, actions, emotions, and their lives. Love is an extremely important human emotion, from early age it can affect a childs mentality. By establishing a connection with their parents and siblings children are also taught how to interact with others.The childs first relationship, the one with the mother, acts as a template, as it permanently molds the individuals capacities to enter into all later emotional relationships.(Young) These first relationships help explain how to navigate through social situations. These early relationships can also affect how a child acts ad feels. If a childs relationships fail to form or their parents are distant, they may become socially awkward or develop low self esteem. But at the same time a child who has a fully developed relationship with their parents will be more understanding of basic emotions and empathy. This early base can affect peoples decisions throughout their lives. Love has been extremely important for people throughout history as well. Peoples love for their country would i nspire them to defend it. Someones love for their job keeps them happy while at work. A soldier at war may think about his wife and child. All these people take inspiration from the people or this they love and use it to motivate themselves. But at the same time there are people who cant take inspiration from this emotion. People who have never found or built a true and strong connection with someone, or someone who is bitter and has regrets. These people either live one impassive or depressed, or grow cold and closed off. These people may no longer understand things like empathy and compassion. Love can affect people in many different ways, it can bend and break an individual and it can bind two people together for the rest of their lives. Love has been a driving force for many people in their every day lives. For people who are bound together may support each other just with their existence. The very thought that they will be there for the person may drive them to face their responsibilities and complete any tasks assigned to them. Love can also destroy a persons will to live, especially love that is one sided. Feelings generated by knowing that the individual that is admired does not recognize ones own existence; much less one owns feelings directed towards them, can deprive a person of the will to sleep, eat, or in drastic cases feel compelled to uphold personal responsibilities. If left unchecked these people can turn into misanthropes, loathing those who have found happiness. Let the people who never find true love keep saying that theres no such thing. Their faith wil l make it easier for them to live and die.(Szymborska 577-578) True love can leave impressions on those blessed with it, leaving scars on those who forfeited their love or missed their chance. And wonderful memories for those who loved and lost. But in reality common love can affect people in similar ways. While common love also has the power to bind people and is very painful to lose, it can also bring people back together after their connection has been lost and then rebuild it. Where as with the apparent rarity of true love it is either acquired and held on to or is lost for good. This may be the one advantage of common place love over true love. Love affects every single person on the entire planet. Weather it is someones drive to find true love, someones existing love, or someone who cannot find love, this emotion rules parts of their lives. For someone who cannot find love, it may turn them sour or bitter. lamenting over others good fortune these poor souls forget to keep vigil for their chance at love. As a driving force love can be extremely powerful weather in the case of driving the loveless to seek out companionship or driving the lover to action on behalf of his partner. Loves driving force has led people and nations to ruins but has also led a select few to glory and legend. Those who search out true love, depending on their style may go through many relation ships looking for their soul mate. The one true love to end all other minor feelings, but true love might be something crafted not found. And if so then what of all the others left behind in their search for true love? They are left to find or make their own sp iritual connection with someone, or be left bitter, cold, or unaffected by love. For those whom love already exists true love may come with ease or difficulty, dependent on weather true love can be made or if it has to be found. If true love can be made then anyone who can continue a relationship until that connection is made can be truly happy with their lives. Love has affected people since the beginning of time. In the Christian scripture god creates woman from man, so as to give man a companion. In the times before Christ in the bible men and women still married. Although some men are described as polygamist love could still prevail, as in The Story of Hosea and Gome. Where Hosea takes Gome back after she betrayed him and took another lover. Love has come through from this early beginnings of culture and society to todays twenty first century world. Love has spanned countless generations, no matter where in time it occurs love has connected countless people on a plane deeper than that of friendship and camaraderie. In todays modern world love can be described as something intangible yet still dangled in front of ones face. With the proliferation of dating websites like E-harmony and finding true love has become a process that seems ever more so out of our control. Although with the change of time processes and methods of findin g love or true love have changed, the fact is that people are still driven to companionship and the search for true love no matter how or when. The search for love will last as long as people feel emotions, as the feelings of fear, inadequacy and loneliness are what drive people to find another who will accept and soothe these feelings without any prejudice. If someone loses their chance at love, and they turn bitter, or become depressed; they only need to remember that there is more than one chance for a meaningful relationship waiting for them. Every single person is a new connection waiting to be formed. Just because someone slips away does not mean that theres no hope. Even if someones childhood relationships are not fully formed, or someone has a hard time making a connection with other people; they can recover from their disadvantage. Every new relationship is another possibility and another chance at love. Harlow, John, and Brendan Montague. Scientists discover true love. Sunday Times January 4, 2009 : Web. 8 Dec 2009. . Szymborska, Wislawa. True Love. Making Literature Matter. Ed. John Schilb, John Clifford. Boston: Bedford / ST. Martins, 2009. Print. Young, Cori. Child Development is Almost Entirely About Love, Research Clearly Shows. Natural Humor Medicine. Natural Humor Medicine, Web. 8 Dec 2009. .
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Tda 2.5 Schools as Organisations
TDA 2. 5 Schools as organisations Task 1 Links to learning outcome 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, assessment criteria 1. 1, 1. 2, 2. 1, 2. 2, 2. 3, 3. 1, 3. 2, 3. 3, 4. 1, 4. 2, 5. 1, 5. 2, 6. 1, 6. 2 and 6. 3. †¢Identify the main types of state and independent schools †¢Describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance †¢Describe roles and responsibilities of: -School governors -Senior management team -Other statutory roles e. g. SENCO -Teachers †¢Describe the roles of external professionals who may work with a school e. g. ducational psychologist †¢Define the meaning of: -Aims -Values †¢Describe with examples how schools may demonstrate and uphold their aims †¢Describe with examples how schools may demonstrate and uphold their values †¢Identify the laws and codes of practice affecting work in schools †¢Describe why school have policies and procedures †¢Identify the policie s and procedures school may have relating to: -Staff -Pupil welfare -Teaching and learning †¢Identify the roles and responsibilities of national and local government for education policy and practice †¢Describe the role of schools in national olicies relating to children, young people and families †¢Describe the roles of other organisations working with children and young people and how these may impact on the work in schools. Identify the main types of state and independent schools Links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1. 1 AND Describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance Links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1. 2 All children in England between the ages of 5 and 16 are entitled to a free place at a state school. There are four main types of state schools that receive funding from the local authority. They all follow the national curriculum and are regularly inspected by OFSTED. Community schools – Run by the local authority, which employ the staff, own the lands and building, and decides which admissions criteria to use. Community schools have strong links with the local community and they usually offer their facilities for childcare and adult learning classes. (I do work placement at a community school) Foundation and trust schools – Foundation schools are run by their own governing body, which employs the staff and sets the admissions criteria. Land and buildings are owned by the governing body or a charitable foundation. Trust schools are like foundation schools but they have an outside partnership which forms a charitable trust. The outside partner could be a business or educational charity. They try to explore new way of working to raise standards. The governing body decides whether to become a trust school with parents having a say. Voluntary-aided schools – Are mainly religious or faith schools. The governing body employs staff and sets the admissions criteria. The school buildings and land is owned by a charity hich could be a religious organisation. They also appoint some of the members of the governing body. Voluntary-controlled schools- Are similar to voluntary-aided schools, but are run by the local authority. The local authority employs the staff and set the admissions criteria. The land and buildings and land are owned by a charity usually a religious organisation, which also appoint some members of the g overning body. There are; Specialist schools- which follow the National Curriculum and focus on a particular subject area like, sports, media or technology. Academies- which are independently managed, they are set up by sponsors from business, faith or voluntary groups in partnership with the Department for Education (DfE) and the local authority. Together they fund the land and buildings, with the government covering the running costs. City Technology Colleges- These are independently managed, non-fee-paying schools in urban areas for pupils of all abilities aged 11 to 18. They are geared towards science, technology and the world of work, offering a range of vocational qualifications as well as GCSEs and A levels. Community and foundation special schools- cater for children with specific special educational needs. These may include physical disabilities or learning difficulties. Faith schools- are mostly run in the same way as other state schools. However, their faith status may be reflected in their religious education curriculum, admissions criteria and staffing policies. Grammar schools- select all or most of their pupils based on academic ability. Maintained boarding schools- offer free tuition, but charge fees for board and lodging. Independent schools- set their own curriculum and admissions policy is usually decided by the governing body and head teacher. They are funded by fees paid by parents and income from investments. Just over half have charitable status. They have to be registered with the DfE, and regularly monitored by OFSTED. http://www. direct. gov. uk/en/Parents/Schoolslearninganddevelopment/ChoosingASchool/DG_4016312 Describe roles and responsibilities of: -School governors -Senior management team -Other statutory roles e. g. SENCO -Teachers Links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2. 1 School governors- work with the school, they work in partnership with the headteacher and staff. Governors do not intervene with the day to day running of the school, unless there is a serious problem. The governing body is also responsible for making sure that the schools finances are managed appropriately. It is also responsible for staffing and personnel management. They will also make decisions on issues involving the curriculum and whether to write new policies. Senior management team- Is responsible for taking interviews, inductions, performance monitoring, and appraisals. They can also deal with complaints and issues with colleagues. Deal with courses and career development. They can hold staff meetings, also be responsible for child protection issues. Have general information about policies. Sort out salary queries. Other statutory roles e. g. SENCO- This person is responsible for coordinating the special needs policies in a setting and advising staff. They will be the line of contact for any outside agencies that need to come into the school to look at individual children with special needs. Teachers- are responsible for the education and welfare of the children in the reception classes and for the communication with Parents and all members of the School community. Specific responsibilities: CURRICULUM †¢ Provide a broad, balanced curriculum based on the Foundation Stage †¢ Plan effectively, using learning objectives, producing long-term, mid term and weekly plans †¢ Organise an appropriate timetable, following School’s guidelines †¢ Arrange visits out of school for the children, to extend learning opportunities †¢ Arrange visitors to come to school, to enrich learning and encourage enquiry ASSESSMENT †¢ Assess children regularly, both formally and informally †¢ Observe individual children in different situations and involved in different activities †¢ Use Baseline Assessment †¢ Keep up to date profiles for all children †¢ Use assessment results to plan appropriate learning programmes Describe the roles of external professionals who may work with a school e. g. educational psychologist Links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2. 2 EDUCATIONAL PSYCOLOGIST Educational psychologists consider how children learn, so are used to helping to identify learning difficulties. They visit schools and settings regularly and work alongside parents and professionals in the setting. PHYSIOTHERAPIST A physiotherapist helps to identify a child’s main physical problems while working alongside other professionals and parents. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPIST Speech and language therapists work with children who have some difficulties with their language. COMMUNITY PAEDIATRICIAN Paediatricians are manly based in hospitals and clinics. They have specialised training in children’s medicine and children are referred to them via their family doctor for diagnosis. They make regular assessments of hildren’s progress and medical needs. They are able to refer children to other health services such as speech and language therapy and dieticians. COMMUNITY NURSE In some areas community nurses visit schools and settings to help provide advice and support. Integrating health and education is a major focus for the Every Child Matters programme, so some early yea r’s centres will have a community based at the centre. FAMILY DOCTOR (GP) A GP has general training in medicine. GP’s form part of the community health team and act as a base for a child’s ongoing medical treatment and notes. CHILD PSYCHIATRIST Children or young people who are showing depression or emotional difficulties may be referred to child psychiatrist. A child psychiatrist has been trained as a doctor specialising in mental health and is able to prescribe medication as well as being able to consider the underlying issues behind a child’s emotional state. CHILD PSYCHOTHERAPIST A child psychotherapist will work with children or young people who are showing emotional distress by talking through their experiences with them and helping the child to explore these. CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST A child psychologist looks at child’s development and learning in a similar way to an educational psychologist. The main difference between their roles is that a child psychologist may support children in a range of different settings rather than just in the educational context. PLAY THERAPIST A play therapist helps children to explore trauma or experiences through the medium of play. EDUCATIONAL WELFARE OFFICER/EDUCATION SOCIAL WORKER The main function of these professionals is to liaise between home and families in cases where school attendance is infrequent. It is an offence for children over 5 years old not to be in some sort of full-time educational programme. ) SPECIAL NEEDS SUPPPORT TEACHER These teachers travel between schools to visit young people or children in their home or pre-school settings. They are able to help a wide range of children and are often seen as useful sources of support and guidance. CLASSROOM ASSISTANT/LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANT Their main purpose is to support an individual child, young person or a group of children or young people within a classroom under direction of the teacher. Social worker The majority of social workers are employed by the local authority, although some are employed by voluntary organisations. They are generally deployed in teams according to specialist areas, for example social workers may be involved in caring for older clients, adoption or fostering work. Social workers can provide guidance and advice as well as practical support for families. RESPITE CARERS Respite carers look after children for short periods of time so that their parents can have some time out. CARERS AND BENEFIT ADVISORS Some settings have career and benefits advisors as part of the team. They can help parents find employment and training courses and give them advice about claiming benefit. Define the meaning of: -Aims -Values Links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2. 3 Aims and Values are usually set out in the schools mission statement. Aims- explain what the school wants to achieve. They are usually set out by the head teacher with support from the community and parents. Values- can be determined by the schools rules, usually include respect for self and others and are closely related to Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and citizenship education. Values are based on moral code. The mission statement from the school I do my work placement at; All children will receive an education that is broad and balanced, that develops their potential and is suited to their needs. They will be given opportunities to discover and develop their talents through curricular and extracurricular activities. The ethos and curriculum of the school will instil values that will encourage independence, self esteem and respect for others. Describe with examples how schools may demonstrate and uphold their aims Links to learning outcome 3, assessment criteria 3. 1 Schools may demonstrate and uphold their aims in a mission statement. For example the school where I do work placement explains that they are committed to encouraging the children to reach their full potential whatever their needs. Describe with examples how schools may demonstrate and uphold their values Links to learning outcome 3, assessment criteria 3. 2 Schools may demonstrate and uphold their values in a mission statement. The mission statement from the school where I do my work placement states that the curriculum and ethos of the school will encourage self esteem, independence and respect for others. Identify the laws and codes of practice affecting work in schools Links to learning outcome 3, assessment criteria 3. 3 There are some laws and codes of practice that affect work in schools which are; Children’s Act 2004; Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Special Educational Needs Code of Practice; Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Children’s Act 2004 -it was passed to make sure that duties would be put on local authorities to ensure that all the different services that work with children and their families work more efficiently together. Data Protection Act 1998 – Schools are required to keep information secure and it can only be used for the purpose it was gathered for. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Special Educational Needs Code of Practice- Schools are not to discriminate against disabled children this has led to more disabled children in mainstream schools. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974- Designed to protect everyone within the school and give procedures to follow in the event of an accident. Identify the policies and procedures school may have relating to: -Staff -Pupil welfare -Teaching and learning
Friday, January 10, 2020
Things we Carry essay
My thing carried is a cellophane. It's convenient, awesome, and Just great to have around. It represents everyone's social status. Keeping up with friends is also ten times easier. I carry it with me always to keep in contact with everyone I know. My phone also serves as a multi-purpose fun machine. I get to play silly games when I'm bored, watch movies I put on my phone. Fight Club, mostly. Every night I make sure to charge my phone. A day without my phone Is worse than It should be, but most people depend on their phone. So It doesn't bother me. A person's phone In a small way defines a person.I have seen a ton of different phones In my day. If you see someone with a 2005 cherry red flip phone, you're never going to assume they could be a CEO of a major company. He would have a Blackberry, and every girl in high school that wears jug boots Instantly has an Phone from the last 2 generations, minimum. It represents your class and how social you are. A perfect fit for high school. Kid s definitely judge you on your phone to a certain extent, if it's â€Å"cool†or â€Å"in†. No one will actually say something or bully someone based on a phone but the intense judging is still very present.I feel like it would really fun if no one had cell phones. People would actually have to talk to other people to accomplish things. Everyone would feel more social, alive, and joyful. Of course, this dream will never happen so as long as cellophanes are still in every single persons pocket. I will continue to keep my cell phone on me at all times if for no other reason than to keep in touch with everyone, because everyone else loves phones. Phones are definitely not all bad, they are really amazing to have on you. It Just doesn't seem worth it to miss out on the social parts of high school.This opinion doesn't seem to e too common among most high-choler's. Its only because they don't understand how fun it would be to actually go on adventures with friends and be foc used on what you're doing at all times. No side testing or checking Faceable. Friendships would be created faster. People would actually get to know each other. It's a tiny bit sad actually, so many people use so many phones every day, that not having a phone Is pretty much socially unacceptable, and to not have a phone In high school Is to be cut off from all news and gossip. People almost always Just get the phone their friends have. It's a class thing.We do this, we sit here, we dress this way, and we use this phone. Phones will never stop though, next Its Google Glass, then Its self-driving cars, before anyone knows It everyone Is the chairs from WALLET on a giant spaceship. Don't worry too badly though, that's a long way away. Also, It doesn't even seem Like that bad of a way to go. My thing carried is a cellophane, it's great to have. Comes with a few small drawbacks but as long as everyone else carries a cell phone every day, I don't really mind also using my cellophane to be able to contact anyone at any time. Cellophanes you when bored. Cellophanes are amazing, Just not perfect.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Hip Hop Culture And Rap Music - 996 Words
Over the past few years, hip-hop culture and rap music has stirred up controversy throughout America and it’s media. Whether it is Dr. Dre’s 1992 hit single â€Å"A Nigga Witta Gun†or Bobby Shmurda’s 2014 hit single â€Å"Hot Nigga†that boasts about shooting other African-Americans, it seems that the media has denounced the hip-hop culture and criticized them for the continuous increase on inner-city youth violence. If people would just listen closer to hip-hop’s message instead of assuming it has negative intensions, they will realize that hip-hop culture is simply a liberation movement was started and still ran mostly by the black inner-city youth in America. For years, the black inner-city youth has been oppressed through racial and economic situations and they believe that the hip-hop movement is the next civil rights movement in America. They have similar intentions as Martin Luther King did during the 1960’s civil rights moveme nt; their way of peaceful protest is through the four main areas involved in hip-hop culture: DJing, breakdancing, graffiti, and most importantly rap music (Romano). The East and West coast were always competing against each other through means of hop-hop. It was all about which region had the better DJs, graffiti artist, b-boys and b-girls, and MCs. Each element of hip-hop had a positive impact on American culture. B-boying and b-girling (breakdancing) was the beginning of the hip-hop movement and it ended lots of violent gang warfare becauseShow MoreRelatedRap Music And Hip Hop Culture1097 Words  | 5 PagesRap music has been around for many decades. Rap/hip hop is a music genre that consists of a stylized rhythmic music that usually accompanies rapping. Since rap music’s explosion, it took the industry and became the important part of hip hop culture. 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