Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Social Network Movie Analysis Film Studies Essay
The Social Network Movie Analysis Film Studies Essay The film The Social Network, discharged in the United States by Columbia Pictures on October 2010 is the best film of 2010 and has the right to be granted the Oscar for Best Picture class. It is a socially applicable film that is both enlightening and philosophical. In view of the genuine story of the long range interpersonal communication site Facebook and the claims it needed to confront, the film investigates the troubles engaged with reception of new thoughts and new innovation, and simultaneously it investigates the passionate uneven characters that happen when achievement occurs without any forethought. Coordinated by David Fincher, The Social Network stars Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg, the software engineer who designed Facebook. The screenplay by Aaron Sorkin depends on Ben Mezrichs 2009 true to life book The Accidental Billionaires. The film has so far had dazzling audits, great informal exchange and strong film industry and it is time it is respected with the Academy Award for Best Picture of 2010. The Social Network has been designated for the accompanying classes at the Oscar grants: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (Jesse Eisenberg), Best Original Score, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor. The Social Network has been consistently accepting steady acclaims and individuals are amped up for the film. At the Oscars it faces rivalry from motion pictures, for example, The Kings Speech, 127 Hours, Inception, Black Swan, True Grit and The Fighter. I for one feel that the film would catch the Best Picture grant as it has brilliant course by David Fincher, astounding adjusted screenplay by Aaron Sorkin and radiant depiction of Mark Zuckerberg by Jesse Eisenberg. The film likewise has incredible supporting on-screen character cast, altering, score and cinematography. Every little thing about it is rich and the film can introduce the new age factor to the Academy Awards as it tends to a wide crowd. The movie has just gotten the Golden Globes grant for Best Motion P icture for a dramatization and its executive David Fincher has gotten the honor for Best Director. The Social Network manages a wide scope of topics including hubris, aspiration, companionship, desire, class and social reserve and accomplishment as status and retribution. The film has an energizing and imaginative plot that investigates the virtual existence where individuals can become companions or unfriends at the snap of a mouse. The plot spins around Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard University understudy toward the start of the film and it is 2003. The film starts and finishes with an unpretentious reference to Marks love for Erica Albright, giving the film an idyllic character. The film is quick paced and shows how life and connections can change drastically over a brief time of year and a half, by progress. Imprint, irritated by his young lady companion, dispatches a site called Facemash that would permit his associates to rank female understudies. He in this manner draws the consideration of technically knowledgeable representatives, for example, the Winklevoss twins and their a ccomplice Divya Narendra who welcome him to fill in as the software engineer of their site, Harvard Connection thus starts his fleeting ascent in the realm of systems administration. He dispatches The Facebook, a long range interpersonal communication site which before long turns into a worldwide informal organization and an upset in correspondence. After six years, Mark Zuckerberg gets himself the most youthful extremely rich person in history situated in the midst of individual and lawful inconveniences. David Fincher has coordinated this film with specialized exactingness and textural extravagance as he skips between two separate testimonies utilizing flashback story in an explaining way. The camera has been ably dealt with by Jeff Cronenweth and the film has marvelous altering and music too. The enhancements of the film mix with the film flawlessly to such an extent they are practically unnoticeable. Great difference is appeared between the Harvard walk appeared in the initial credits and the regatta succession. While the first is indicated smooth and rich, the last succession looks scaled down. This balance fits with the varying states of mind in the two scenes. The film is likewise fantastic in cinematography and altering. With regards to Visual Effects, it is truly astounding to see Armie Hammer two jobs as the two Winklevoss twins. The discoursed are savvy and clever. The Social Network film is really a perfect work of art. It is a film with an imaginative subject that is very much created with a clever screenplay and significant in the current day society. Indeed, even the film audit site Rotten Tomatoes has given the move an ideal 100% and it is not out of the question that the Academy observes it. The Social Network has additionally been a film industry achievement and any film of such profundity that likewise bids to the majority is certainly worth acknowledgment. The film is one that the universe of today can distinguish itself with the changing styles of correspondence and its effect on connections. Additionally it accentuates how inner self and narrow-mindedness emerge with the appearance of cash. Imprint Zuckerberg is all around depicted in a film as a shrewd man who is yet somehow or another stupid. Sitting before his PC, he is dynamic and excited, however he is continually battling in the social setting. Jesse Eisenbergs execution is awesome as he shows very well the sentiment of simplicity before the PC and the feeling of being lost when in the midst of social showdowns. He doesn't show his inconvenience just by his outward appearances. Or maybe he shows it with his general non-verbal communication and disposition that the individuals around him are infuriatingly irrational. Makes his character fascinating that he can't identify with individuals on a passionate level however he comprehends their necessities and needs in the informal communication world with extraordinary affectability. The principal scene is especially vital. Imprint discusses a wide scope of points that his young lady companion discovers hard to follow. Nonetheless, he is outraged at his young lady compan ions recommendation that he ought to decide to enter the club that is least demanding to enter and unconscious, he affronts his young lady companion by her by revealing to her that she is going just to Boston University. This scene shows Mark is an irregular character who doesn't know about his own elitist disposition and awful conduct. He likewise experiences issues speaking with Eduardo. Jess Eisenberg obviously demonstrating that he is a man of burrowed vision, incognizant in regards to the sentiments of the individuals near him. Eisenberg, with his sharp execution permits the watchers to get look at a genuinely inaccessible man who has a sharp keenness and an extraordinary enthusiasm for work. The film can energize, advise and engage simultaneously and is speaking to both specialized and non-specialized watchers. The film tends to the specialized parts of how the systems administration site appeared and furthermore how defilement and ravenousness enter people groups lives alongside cash in an extremely basic way. This film has put forth spearheading attempts to investigate the virtual world through the character of Mark Zuckerberg who is mysterious. With such incredible characteristics, the film The Social Network is certainly the Best Picture of 2010.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
South Koreas Infatuation With Computer Gaming Culture
South Korea's Infatuation With Computer Gaming Culture South Korea is a nation charmed by computer games. It is where proficient gamers win six-figure contracts, date supermodels, and are treated as A-rundown famous people. Digital rivalries are broadly broadcast and they top off arenas. In this nation, gaming isn't only an interest; it’s a lifestyle. Computer game Culture in South Korea Despite the fact that the per capita access to broadband web is high, most Koreans really direct their gaming exercises outside of the home in neighborhood gaming rooms called â€Å"PC bangs.†A blast is essentially a LAN (neighborhood) gaming focus where benefactors pay an hourly expense to play multiplayer games. Most blasts are modest, running from $1.00 to $1.50 USD 60 minutes. There are at present more than 20,000 dynamic PC blasts in South Korea and they have become a necessary piece of the country’s social texture and social scene. In Korea, setting off to a blast is proportional to going out to see the films or the bar in the West. They are particularly pervasive in large urban areas like Seoul, where uplifted populace thickness and the absence of room offers occupants not many choices for recreational and social association. The computer game industry makes up a huge portion of South Korea’s GDP. As indicated by the Ministry of Culture, in 2008 the internet gaming industry earned $1.1 billion dollars in sends out. Nexon and NCSOFT, South Korea’s two biggest game advancement organizations announced a joined total compensation of over $370 million out of 2012. The whole game market is evaluated at roughly $5 billion dollars every year, or about $100 per occupant, which is multiple occasions what Americans spend. Games like StarCraft have sold over 4.5 million duplicates in South Korea, out of an overall aggregate of 11 million. Computer games likewise invigorate the country’s casual economy, as a huge number of dollars are exchanged yearly through illicit betting and wagering on game matches. In South Korea, digital rivalry is viewed as a national game and various TV stations communicate computer game matches routinely. The nation even has two full-time computer game telecom companies: Ongamenet and MBC Game. As per the Federal Game Institute, 10 million South Koreans normally follow eSports, as they are known. Contingent upon the matches, some computer game competitions may gather a greater number of evaluations than genius baseball, soccer, and ball consolidated. There are as of now 10 expert gaming classes in the nation and they are totally supported by large partnerships, for example, SK Telecom and Samsung. The money related compensations for winning an association competition are gigantic. Some of South Korea’s most well known players like the StarCraft legend, Yo Hwan-lim could gain more than $400,000 per year just from alliance matches and sponsorships. The prominence eSports has even prompted the production of the World Cyber Games. Gaming Addiction in South Korea Over the previous decade, the Korean government has burned through a huge number of dollars on facilities, battles, and projects to limit this issue. There are presently openly subsidized treatment communities for game addicts. Medical clinics and facilities have introduced programs that have some expertise in treating the malady. Some Korean game organizations, for example, NCsoft additionally funds private directing focuses and hotlines. In late 2011, the legislature made a harsh stride further by forcing a â€Å"Cinderella Law†(likewise called the Shutdown Law), which forestalls anybody younger than 16 from playing web based games on their PCs, handheld gadget, or at a PC blast from 12 PM until 6 a.m. Minors are required to enlist their national distinguishing proof cards on the web so they can be checked and directed. This law has been exceptionally questionable and is challenged by most of the overall population, computer game organizations, and game affiliations. Numerous individuals contend that this law encroaches on their freedom and would yield no positive outcomes. Minors could simply enroll utilizing somebody else’s distinguishing proof or totally go around the boycott by interfacing with Western servers. In spite of the fact that thusly, it positively asserts one’s enslavement.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Two Books I Revisit and Recommend Every Year
Two Books I Revisit and Recommend Every Year Revisiting Books Is A Low Priority As my TBR pile grows with each fleeting moment, I’ve come to realize that one pass through a text is all I crave. As friends invite me to rediscover Harry Potter year after year, I never follow through. My Goodreads account has a to be reread list and I ignore that shelf completely. I decline rereads without (formally) declining them and never look back. I know this may sound like a dig at some but it is uncommon for me to revisit a book. Besides children’s picture books for my kids, there are very few exceptions to this reread rule. Then, in 2015, something magical happened. For the past 3 years, I found two books that I revisit and recommend as one of my yearly rituals. I can’t be sure if it happens at the same time every year, but like clockwork, these books became a way to make it through tough times. With a shared theme of compassion, these two essays remind me to step back and give life a second look. We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Adichie This perfect introduction to feminism inspired one country to give a copy to every 16-year-old in 2015. Part personal history, part instruction manual, Adichie narrates how misogyny negatively affects us and how feminism can save the world. It has especially become necessary for me to hear as we continue through the dumpster fire that is the constant assault on reproductive health. Adichie also reminds us that our tiny identity boxes hurt men as well as women when we narrow ideas down to masculine or feminine. I use it as a constant reminder of a way to improve humanity, and recommend it whenever someone needs a feminist boost. This Is Water: Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life by David Foster Wallace Far from his Infinite Jest tome, This is Water recounts how the mundane is usually what life is all about. We forget that our own consciousness isn’t the center of the universe, and Wallaces speech breaks down what our Liberal Arts degrees are truly worth. His grocery store example has stayed with me since the first read, warning that quoting Heidegger isn’t what makes me (or you) a good person. All you need is to exchange kind words and deeds. It doesn’t hurt that this short book is funny and makes living compassionately seem like a no-brainer. You’ll feel rejuvenated in less time than your average commute. What are the books you recommend most often?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Gender Roles Have Always Been Around - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2059 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Gender Roles Essay Did you like this example? They can vary from place to place and they can evolve over time in different cultures and societies. For each gender, there are certain attitudes, domestic behaviors, traits, occupations and ways of life that are expected (Dr. A. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gender Roles Have Always Been Around" essay for you Create order Zell, personal communication, September 28, 2018). The Article Gender Roles and Identity (n.d.) on plannedparenthood.org explains that the way one talks, dresses, walks and grooms is different for Females and Males. Females are generally expected to be more polite, humble, good listeners, accommodating and nurturing. They are expected to pursue occupations such as Teachers, Nurses, Air Hostesses etc. In some cultures and societies, they are still expected to be a stay at home wife, so that they can take care of the children, cook and clean for the home. Whereas, men are expected to be strong, aggressive and bold. They are expected to pursue occupations like Pilots, Doctors, and Engineers. At home, they are expected to take care of the finances, work on the car and do at home repairs. As a girl, I was always told to Act like a girl, Sit like a girl or sometimes even, Talk like a girl by my parents or peers whenever I did something against the gender norms. For them, Acting like a girl meant that I should be more emotional, wise and caring at times when I acted more strong, assertive, or controlling. Sitting like a girl meant that I should sit with my legs crossed whenever I would sit in a more manly way. Talking like a girl meant that I should be more polite, respectful and that I should be a good listener whenever I was being tough or unemotional. My female friends and I would have a curfew earlier in the evening whereas my male friends would have a curfew later at night. Not only I, but also many people around me get affected by gender norms as well. I come from the capital of Pakistan, but if you go to the more rural sides of Pakistan, the gender norms are prominent. Females are expected to be a stay-at-home wife when they get married. They get a frown from other people in their societies for having a career just because they are expected to stay at home and care for their family while the men go off to earn for their families. Grow ing up in these gender norms has had a great effect on me. I sometimes still hear people say, Learn how to cook and clean, otherwise, no man will marry you. Whenever I would start to deviate from these norms, I, myself, would sometimes feel like I am doing something wrong. I felt more constricted and controlled. Sometimes, I would feel as if I do not have the option to voice out my opinion just because I should be more respectful and polite and somehow, voicing my opinion, as a girl, is considered disrespectful and impolite. Instead of having the pressure to work hard and become independent, the women in my society are taught to find a husband who can provide for them and make them feel vulnerable and worthwhile and to do this, they need to learn how to cook and clean, due to which they are in constant pressure. I grew up in a more liberal environment when it came to cooking and cleaning. My mom has always wanted the best for me. She never put the pressure on learning how to cook or clean because she wanted me to pursue a good education so I can be a more strong independent woman. However, when it came to distant relatives, I would still hear things like, Youre 18 and you still dont know how to cook. and Its a shame that you cant cook because no one will marry you like this. I would get criticized by the society. This had affected me in several ways, on times, I would get angry, or sad or sometimes, I just wouldnt let it get to me. These statements can be strong enough, in a negative way, for a person to lose hope in what they are doing or enjoy doing. When it came to the non-stereotypical people, even they would be surprised and I would get praised on, by them, for choosing to be independent, which is expected and so normal for the male gender but when it comes to a girl, its suddenly a huge achievement. The article, The Negative Effects of Gender Roles (August 30, 2017) explains that these gender norms can have various effects on us. All these gender norms can set limits to ones personality and mental health awareness. They affect the way one wants to build and maintain a family and they affect the economy by creating a wage gap. It can force us to hide our thoughts and desires from the world. They can also force us to shrink ourselves. They can even force someone to turn into somebody theyre not. They end up hiding who they truly are just because they do not want to be criticized by their families and their society. Suppressing our emotions and beliefs due to gender norms can lead to unhappiness, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. People are forced to act in a way they are not comfortable with. Gender norms can also influence ones career selection. If one wants to be a doctor, the society may push them to be a nurse because one might say that a female does not have the ability and skills it takes to be a doctor. This forces us to pick a career, out of societys pressure, that we do not enjoy. Whenever I would carry and handle things which would be too big for me, I would immediately have som eone offer help because it requires personal strength and toughness which I wouldnt have because Im too vulnerable. My life would be different if my gender was different. Being a male, I would have the freedom to voice my own opinion, I would be looked upon as a strong, independent leader. I wouldnt be expected to cook for people. It would be normal for me to pick careers like engineering or becoming a doctor. I would not be expected to stay at home and look after the family; However, being a boy, there would still be some gender norms that would be expected from me. No matter which gender you are, gender norms will always be there, or at least for the next many years to come. I would be expected to earn for the family and I would be expected to manage all the finances. If, as a boy, I liked more feminine things and colors, or If I wanted to dress differently from the normal Male dressing, I would be looked down upon and judged by the society. This would again lead to suppressing my feelings and opinions the same way. I would get bullied on for not following the gender norms. Dr. A. Zell explained in her lecture on September 28, 2018, that the females can sometimes get away with choosing an occupation they like (although there are still limits to this, as the society may find it hard to accept if you were working somewhere which requires physical strength), liking the color blue or dressing like a boy, i.e, a tomboy, but if a guy likes the color pink, chooses a more feminine occupation or wears dresses or skirts, this wouldnt be acceptable by majority of the societies in todays world. Even if the people would not show their feelings and judgments, they wou ld still find it weird and it would be hard for them to accept it. Hence, as I boy, if I were deviating from the gender norms, I would get more bullied on in comparison to a female deviating from the norms. In a country like Pakistan, women are expected to be dressed decently. They are expected to wear their traditional clothes, I as a girl, always went against these gender norms to try to show my society that we should have the freedom to do and wear what we like. By taking Computer Science and Natural Sciences in high school, I have tried to show the people, in my circle, that women can pursue whatever dream career they like. I have interned at Toyota Motors and have learned the mechanics of a car. I have been working with an NGO called Bondh-e-shams which requires physical strength and toughness; however, even with all of this, I sometimes feel like no matter how non-stereotypical I think of myself, as the video The Gender-stereotyped toys: the experiment by BBC Family Education News suggested, if I see a newborn wrapped in pink clothes, I would consider it a girl. If the baby is wrapped in blue clothes I would consider it a boy. I got my baby cousin Barbie dolls for her birthday. If the same baby were a boy, I wouldve, possibly, given, the baby, toy cars or remote controlled toys. No matter how open-minded I consider myself to be, I still found it usual, even if I accept it, to see a girl, named Harnaam Kaur, an Instagram model who grew a beard to go against the gender norms. Every time I would see my dad help around with the household or the kitchen, I would applaud him as if it were an achievement. W hile writing this essay in a cafe, Coffee and Bagel, I got up to use the restrooms. One of the doors had a poster with a flower sunhat and a pearl necklace (No faces, just the 2 things printed together) and the other had a mustache and a bowler hat. Without thinking for a second, I immediately went to the one with the poster that had the pearl necklace and a flower hat. This can also be considered as stereotyping. No matter how non-stereotypical a person may think of themselves, they still believe in some gender norms (Intentionally or unintentionally). I think a strong woman would be thriving on their own independence, she will be intense, but at the same time, polite and respectful when needed. She would be emotionally stable and would value her relationships. She would know the value of herself and would have self-esteem. Strong men would also have the same characteristics. In my ideal world, strong women and strong men would have the same characteristics, because if not then that is a way of implying gender norms again. In my ideal world, both would be equal, strong, capable of being independent and would have the ability to support themselves, would no wage gaps and would have the freedom to choose the occupation they enjoy, whether or not it requires physical strength. If I have a child, I would make sure they knows that it is okay to go again st gender norms. I would make sure they dont suppress themselves in order to hide their true personality and their interests even if it goes against the societys gender norms. I would tell them that gender norms will exist no matter what, and would tell them that they may get criticized at first for being different, if they are, but sooner or later, the society will start accepting them. I would tell them that people will expect them to act a certain way and dress a certain way but they dont always have to come up to peoples expectations. I would also teach them about gender equality because one persons thinking can contribute to diminishing gender roles. When they are young, I would expose them to toys made for both genders. I would get them involved in skills and activities that are associated with each gender. I would point out sexist stuff on media which may have an effect on their thinking and would explain why it is wrong. If they are being sexist at some point, I would intervene and correct them so they have respectful views on each gender. I would teach them that women do not have to be the way gender norms want them to be and the same goes for men. I will also teach them to speak up if they hear something sexist. Overall, I would be a good role model for my child so they learn to be as open-minded as they can be.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Effects Of Video Games On Children And Families Essay
It is said â€Å"ignorance is bliss†, â€Å"what you don’t know can’t hurt you†, and â€Å"don’t ask don’t tell†. However, in the case of early video game advertisements, ignorance is common. Remember all those classic systems and games from companies like Nintendo and Atari? They are often viewed as light fond childhood memories, but what most people do not remember or choose not to remember is the dark side of these 80’s and 90’s golden age games and their marketing strategies. From loving mothers to intimate lovers, these advertisements might be a bit different from what most people remember. If the record were to be set straight and light was shed on the subject, people’s views of women would change along with the sensitivity towards things that are not politically correct. It is commonly thought that early video game companies marketed their products towards children and families. This is not hard to believe due to the fact that the general impression is that these video games were for children. There are many examples through original advertising to suggest that these companies wanted to project their product to be a tool for family bonding. In other words, these games would make a great Christmas present for the kids. Most old consoles are seen as nostalgic childhood memories. Therefore, they must have been marketed to be as such. This notion would make sense for a number of reasons. For example, at this time, computers were mainly seen as tools for adults. This gave the marketShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children s Behavior1626 Words  | 7 PagesThe effect of violent video games on children’s behavior has been the major concern of numerous researchers over the last several decades. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Unique memory Free Essays
Each individual has unique memory for oneself shared with no one else in the world. Such memory makes one different from others. Therefore I am curious to know what memory is. We will write a custom essay sample on Unique memory or any similar topic only for you Order Now Right now I am Just a bundle of â€Å"memories†in my mind and body. Psychology defines it as a process in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. But is memory limited to the define domain? If so, how do millions of atoms that could be flying through the cells randomly stay to gather in a double helix structure in order to create a DNA molecule in a way so that it is unique to every vying creature on earth? It is difficult to explain this without knowing how memory truly works. Memory must be evolving at a much deeper level,perhaps even from the physical level and could manifest into chemical, biological and psychological levels. Perhaps physics has an explanation. Memory could be more fundamental than physics, and as a result memory can help us understand physics better. This notion may drastically transform the way we have been looking at physical aspects of the universe. This shift In thought among physicist is because of their Inability to explain the random nature of elementary articles. KM (Quantum mechanics) the most successful theory In physics, can Just give us the probability to find a particle In a given location and time. The Idea that nature Is inherently probabilistic–that particles have only Likelihood, until they are observed– Is directly Implied by the standard equation of KM. This Is the central problem In KM. Element rejected this Idea by saying, †I am convinced God does not play dice†. He believed there must be some hidden variable or property of the particle that gives rise to such weird behavior. After nearly 100 years, a few physicist are at the verge of proving that there could be hidden variables associated with elementary particles. They call It â€Å"path memory†, because particles seems to carry the ‘memory†of the path they have traveled and the Interaction they have undergone along the path. Therefore two electrons that are Identical In terms of all known physical properties need no react to an experiment the same way because their path memories can be different. I can now say that atoms carrying unique combination of path memories stick together to form my DNA, defining who I am. Memory could be the basis and rolling of everything-Who knows, one day we might even prove that â€Å"empty space†Itself can hold memory. MEMORY By Capricorn been looking at physical aspects of the universe. This shift in thought among physicist is because of their inability to explain the random nature of elementary KM (Quantum mechanics) the most successful theory in physics, can Just give us the probability to find a particle in a given location and time. The idea that nature is inherently probabilistic–that particles have only likelihood, until they are observed– s directly implied by the standard equation of KM. This is the central problem in KM. Einstein rejected this idea by saying, †I am convinced God does not play dice†. Hidden variables associated with elementary particles. They call it â€Å"path memory†, the interaction they have undergone along the path. Therefore two electrons that are identical in terms of all known physical properties need no react to an experiment together to form my DNA, defining who I am. Memory could be the basis and origin of everything. Who knows, one day we might even prove that â€Å"empty space†itself can How to cite Unique memory, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Laugh and Be Merry free essay sample
Laugh and be merry for the world is a much better place with a happy song and to live in a world that is ready to blow in the teeth of wrong; we must not only rejoice but also be active in attacking evil. Laugh and give no place to sorrow or to worries for the time is brief, a thread a length of span; about nine inches: the distance between the tip of the thump and the tip of the little finger when the hand is fully spread out, i. e. life is short and like a thread is easily lost. Laugh sincerely and hopefully to be proud enough to belong to the old pageant of man; procession with a spectacular display in celebration of a holiday. Recall the ancient times, when God made Heaven and Earth for joy he took in a rhyme; identity in sound of some part: a word agreeing with another in terminal sound: verse or poetry having correspondence in the terminal sounds of the lines: a poem or piece of verse having such correspondence; He made them both and filled them with the strong red wine; a common symbol of joy in most poetry; of His mirth; gaiety or jollity, esp. We will write a custom essay sample on Laugh and Be Merry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page hen accompanied by laughter: amusement or laughter; because of the splendid joy of the stars and the earth, we must laugh and drink from the deep blue cup of the sky; get all the enjoyment we can by watching the sky, the birds, clouds, stars, etc. , and enjoying all of life which passes under the sky. The sky is bent over us like an inverted cup and is blue in color; hence ‘blue cup’. All are welcome to join the jubilant; showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph; rejoicing; exultant: the cheers of the jubilant victors; song of the great stars sweeping by. During the outpouring of the Heavenly wine we can continue to laugh, battle, work and drink for the Good-Lord shows His sign of joy on His dear green earth. Like brothers akin; of kin; related by blood (usually used predicatively): of the same family; Guesting; staying as guests; awhile in the rooms of a beautiful inn; the inn symbolizes this world. Glad till the dancing stop; be glad till you die; and the lilt; rhythmic swing or cadence: a lilting song or tune; of the music ends. Laugh till the game is played and be merry till the end.
Monday, March 23, 2020
The rise and fall of the Berlin Wall Essays - Eastern Bloc
For twenty-eight years, the Berlin Wall separated friends, families, and a nation. After the second World War in 1945, the victorious Allies, the US, Britain, France, Russia divided Germany into four sectors, each under the control of an ally. The US, British, and French Sectors combined to form a democratic state, The Federal Republic of Germany, or West Germany. The Soviet sector became a communist state, The German Democratic Republic, or East Germany, on October 7, 1949. A barrier now separated east and West. Winston Churchill named this barrier the Iron Curtain. Even though Berlin lay deep within the Soviet sector, the Allies thought it best to divide this metropolis. Therefore Berlin was also divided into four sectors. Again the US, British, and French Sectors combined to form West Berlin. The Soviet sector became the East German capital, East Berlin. The governments of these two new countries were set up by the occupying forces, not the populous. Most of the residents of East Berlin and East Germany did not like the communist regime. In fact, most people were not communists. The Berlin Wall, though not part of the iron curtain, was a reminder of it. The wall was made of steel, cement, and barbed wire fences with traps and explosives. There were guard towers with machine guns and other weapons. It was almost impossible to cross this barrier without the communist government's permission. Conrad Shuman was a nineteen year old border guard when he witnessed families tearfully separated. He realized he was not protecting his country, but imprisoning its people. Three Days after the border was closed, he leapt to freedom. The people of East Germany became dissatisfied with the economic and political conditions of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Private trade was outlawed, as was the ownership of private land. People were forced to work on collective state owned farms. There were food and supply shortages. One hundred-sixty thousand refugees crossed the b order from East Berlin to West Berlin between January and the beginning of August of 1961 in search of a better life. This upset the East German government and the Soviet countries. (East Germany was a Soviet satellite, but was of special interest to Moscow). Nikita Kruschev, the Soviet premier of that time ordered the Berlin wall built to stop the flow of refugees. The GDR began building what they called the anti-fascist protection wall on August 13, 1961, using barbed wire and anti-tank obstacles. However the East German citizens were still escaping. The GDR added tanks at important streets some supplied by the red army. They tore up the streets to use the paving stones to build barricades. There were many escape tunnels dug under the wall. The tunnel system was an extraordinary resistance movement dug by hundreds of East Berlin students with thousands more willing to help. The first successful tunnel was in an East Berlin Graveyard. Mourners brought flowers to a grave and then dr opped out of sight. A woman with a baby accidentally found the tunnel and escaped leaving the baby carriage. The police found the carriage and closed the tunnel. The largest tunnel was in the basement of a house at number sixty Wernerstrasse, twenty-nine people were freed from this location. On August 23, 1961, the GDR stopped the subways, the railroads, and the telephone lines going to West Berlin. The people of East Berlin were no longer allowed to enter West Berlin, including the sixty-thousand workers who worked in West Berlin. However East Berliners still managed to get out. Some of them bribed their way out with cigarettes and money. After some people managed to scale the wall, there was a ban on the sale of rope and twine. On September 20, 1961, the GDR began to demolish all of the houses near the wall. They began construction of a more permanent concrete wall. When completed the wall was one hundred-sixty six kilometers long, and an average of four meters high, topped with c oncrete tubing and barbed wire. Behind the wall was a trench to stop vehicles. After that was a patrol track with a corridor for watch dogs, watch towers, and bunkers. Behind that was a second wall. This area of
Friday, March 6, 2020
How successful was Louis XVIII in establishing stability in France during his reign Essay Example
How successful was Louis XVIII in establishing stability in France during his reign Essay Example How successful was Louis XVIII in establishing stability in France during his reign Paper How successful was Louis XVIII in establishing stability in France during his reign Paper Essay Topic: History Louis XVIII came to the throne after the warfare and economic dislocation of the Napoleonic years. He was king of France from 1814 until his death in 1824. To decide whether he was successful or not, first the word success has to be defined. Success is, in terms of being king, keeping the country running well (socially, economically and politically). I feel that during Louiss time as king, many important changes and incidents happened for the French people which he handled amicably and he was an overall success. His reign can be split into different periods, the liberal era and the ultra era. Upon coming to the thrown in 1814, Louis XVIII faced several problems. Since the demise of his brother, Louis XVI, France had been characterized by warfare and economic dislocation (Randell). Napoleon had left a war-weary population under heavy taxes to bankroll his doomed foreign conquests that had resulted in France being on the periphery of international politics. How ever Napoleon was successful in setting up an effective civil service bereft of corruption and the French people, particularly the Bourgeoisie, had gained from the French Revolution and feared the new Bourbon monarch would revert to the ways of the Ancien Regime. Thus, many would not have been heartbroken had Louis XVIII faltered. Many of the royalists supported him for what he stood for, not for who he was. They yearned for the political stability associated with a legitimate monarchy and were not pre-occupied with who filled the role. They wanted to gain a sense of security and permanence that had been missing in the recent past (Randell). They too were wary of Louis intentions. One of Louis first and arguably wisest decisions was to introduce the Charter by which he would rule. It acted as a stabiliser as the first few months of his rule was crucial in gaining the silent trust, if not the public support, of the French people, especially the pays legal, those involved in politics. It was significant as it showed Louis accepted the gains the people had made as a result of the Revolution. The Charter guaranteed equality before the law for every Frenchman, proportional taxation, press freedom and the up keeping of a meritocracy in the civil service and military. This disproves the opinion of many that whilst in exile the Bourbons learnt nothing and forgot nothing. There existed a faction within the Royalists known as the Ultras. These were considered more royalist than the king himself. Many were i migri s and wanted an Autocracy, as in the days of the Ancien Regime. They possessed political clout in abundance and Louis was successful in keeping them in check, however they gain importance in the later years. The downfall of many Kings is in the Ministers they appoint. Louis XVIII shrewdly appointed competent moderate ministers in the face of an Ultra dominated Chamber, the most prominent Ellie Decazes. Under his guidance France experienced an economic boom which brought prosperity to the people and fostered stability in the country. Napoleon escaped from Elbe in 1815 and seized power in a period knows as the 100 days. Due to the support the French people gave him the allies punished France by making them pay war indemnities and stationing their troops in France until this was paid off. The presence of foreign troops in France angered the French people but the economic boom allowed for France to pay off the war indemnity by 1817 and the allies duly removed their troops. Louis was once again successful. Louis XVIII was successful in resisting the temptation to involve the Church in state affairs, especially education. However they were one of his main supporters as the Church was the source of news and information for all peasants, thus it was an effective tool in maintaining support. The King did make minor errors however. He restored the Bourbon flag as the national flag. After the 2nd restoration the King was seen as a puppet of the allies and the French people felt he turned a blind eye to the white terror, where Royal sympathisers persecuted those who had supported Napoleon upon his return. Was Louis XVIII successful as King of France? At home and abroad? Louis XVIII was king of France between 1815 and 1824. To decide whether he was successful or not, first the word success has to be defined. Success is, in terms of being king, keeping the country running well (socially, economically and politically) and making sure that the French people have the best conditions for life possible, this may mean that they are not completely content. During Louiss time as king, many important changes and incidents happened for the French people, many of which I feel Louis handled with great shrewdness and intelligence; therefore I feel that as king of France, Louis XVIII was a success. This is because of his attitudes politically, introducing the charter and therefore realizing that France could no longer return to the ancien regime; because he chose ministers who had moderate elements, so France could attempt to recover after war; and because he did his best to avoid any extremes in policy. On the other hand, there is evidence that Louis could have been described as a poor king, with, even though he was not directly involved, the white terror and the Ultra government, which had power But in 1820 the situation was becoming increasingly chaotic and Decazes resigned. Meanwhile Louiss age (he was 65 at this point) was telling on him. It was getting harder for him to fend off the Ultras. Increasingly power even within his own cabinet was passing out of his handsin particular when he was forced to accept Villi le (1822-1824) as prime minister and to take on board his brother as a member of the cabinet.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Current Trends in Health Care in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Current Trends in Health Care in USA - Essay Example t of heart diseases it has been reported that 476,009 Americans under 85 died of cancer compared with 450,637 who died of heart disease as per the American Cancer Society’s annual statistical report of 2002. (â€Å"Cancer now top killer of younger Americans†, 2005) Almost one third of the cancer cases traces back to smoking while other are associated with obesity, poor diet and lack of exercise. There have been premature deaths caused by cancer, which arises from radioactive and carcinogenic materials in the surroundings. Unsafe products like hair dyes, food additives, cosmetics and marketed medicines manufactured for quick profits are associated with problems like cancer. The increased consumption of junk food is a major cause. Indiscretion in sexual life and keeping multiple partners are one of the major causes. Considering the variations among gender, Centers For Disease Control And Prevention reports that in 2003, prostate cancer (150 per 100,000) have been highest in men among the other types while breast cancer (119 per 100,000) have occupied the highest rate among the other types in women. Hepatitis B and C cause liver cancer; cervical cancer has been due to human papillomavirus while mainly H. pylori bacteria cause stomach cancer. AIDS related cancer is due to the HIV infection. Most of these cases are preventable through timely prediction, diagnosis and preventive measures through vaccines. (â€Å"Cancer now top killer of younger Americans†, 2005) The other most common types of cancer prevailing among both men and women are Lung and Colorectal cancer. The incidence of cancer is also highest among the blacks or the Afro Americans. Most of these people opt for the western treatment of cancer involving chemotherapy and surgery rather than any traditional methods. The reasons are basically that the process of opting for these drugs and chemicals is faster and easier than the slow progress of traditional methods. Lack of adequate information and knowledge
Monday, February 3, 2020
Writing a report about my self Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Writing a report about my self - Assignment Example raining Needs†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.9 Personal SWAT Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..9 Motivation and Career Goals†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.11 Action Plan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦12 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦13 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15 Plagiarism and Unfair Practice It is dishonest not to acknowledge the work of other people and you open yourself up to the accusation of plagiarism. All content of this assignment must be your own independent work. No text, code, diagram, or other content (not even a sentence or phrase) should be taken from another source unless this source is referenced. Referenced phrases should be placed in quotes. Each item should be referenced separately. For more information in respect of plagiarism please refer to the University Assessment Regulations at the following web address: http://quality.newport.ac.uk Plagiarism Statement I have read and understood the statement above concerning plagiarism. I confirm that the work attac hed is my own and that I will follow the College and University Regulations in respect of plagiarism or any other examination offence. Signed: _________________________________________________ Print Name: _________________________________________________ Student ID No: _________________________________________________ Module: Personal Development and Ethics : G106771 Assignment: Assignment 1 PDP Analysis Pathway: BEng/HND/HND Top Up/HNC/Fd (state:) _____________ Date: _________________________________________________ Lecturer: Dr. Louise Hung Introduction The ability to achieve specific goals is one that is dependent on continuous studies and development of skills. Having the right attitude when going through specific programs helps to add into this motivation while providing a different outlook on what is required for the success that one can have in a future career. When analyzing my development and studies in electrical engineering, there are specific strengths and weaknesses whi ch I have noted as well as futuristic goals that I continue to work toward to achieve the goals desired. As I continue to analyze this specific perspective, I recognize that my educational influences will set the pace for a future career in electrical engineering. More important, I understand that my attitude and the desire to be a part of this specific career field will require continuous educational achievements, personal motivation and the ability to collaborate with others in the field with expected focuses on achieving innovative alternatives in electrical engineering. Development for Future Engineering Profession The development that I have had for moving into an engineering professional begins with the personal associations that I have toward electrical engineering. I am originally from Saudi Arabia and decided to study electrical engineering because of the noted alternatives that are available for future careers. My interest is specifically in understanding the mechanics of computers and how this works to change specific
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Meaning of True Love
The Meaning of True Love True love is possibly the most fulfilling of lifes secret treasures. but love by a lesser standard is still extremely important for the human experience. In the poem True Love by Wislawa Szymborska Wislawa talks of how true love is overrated and unnecessary. But in truth the argument against true love is created to comfort those who lack it. Love, if not true love is an crucial emotion for the human race; it is important for psychological development, social development, and in the end happiness. Is love an emotion? Even though love is a mixture of chemicals in the brain it is also a combination of emotions exhibited by the human race. It is the feelings of joy, support, and Strength given through companionship. Love is supposedly the great connector between different people around the globe. Love has driven mankind and its actions for centuries and will do so for centuries to come. Love for others and for heritage and home, provides a stable ground for a diverse community such as our world. But those lacking these basic emotions in their lives can cause disturbances in peoples lives. Even those with a love for their heritage or country may cause cracks in this stable ground if they cannot accept other peoples love for their own heritage or beliefs. True love for the romanticist is the ultimate goal, the purest form of love. A connection that runs extremely deep, binding two people eternally to support and love one another. But as most ultimate things are true love is extreme ly rare and in any day or age, it is equally hard to come bye. But for those lucky enough to gain true love it lasts them a lifetime. Brain scans have proved that a small number of couples can respond with as much passion after 20 years as most people exhibit only in the first flush of love.(Harlow, and Montague) But even without true love people connect and bind themselves to each other, searching for or trying to build the right relationship for themselves. Looking for someone to support them, keep them company, and someone to experience life with. Since the begging of human civilization people have sought out to connect with others, and once acquired these connections have influenced their decisions, actions, emotions, and their lives. Love is an extremely important human emotion, from early age it can affect a childs mentality. By establishing a connection with their parents and siblings children are also taught how to interact with others.The childs first relationship, the one with the mother, acts as a template, as it permanently molds the individuals capacities to enter into all later emotional relationships.(Young) These first relationships help explain how to navigate through social situations. These early relationships can also affect how a child acts ad feels. If a childs relationships fail to form or their parents are distant, they may become socially awkward or develop low self esteem. But at the same time a child who has a fully developed relationship with their parents will be more understanding of basic emotions and empathy. This early base can affect peoples decisions throughout their lives. Love has been extremely important for people throughout history as well. Peoples love for their country would i nspire them to defend it. Someones love for their job keeps them happy while at work. A soldier at war may think about his wife and child. All these people take inspiration from the people or this they love and use it to motivate themselves. But at the same time there are people who cant take inspiration from this emotion. People who have never found or built a true and strong connection with someone, or someone who is bitter and has regrets. These people either live one impassive or depressed, or grow cold and closed off. These people may no longer understand things like empathy and compassion. Love can affect people in many different ways, it can bend and break an individual and it can bind two people together for the rest of their lives. Love has been a driving force for many people in their every day lives. For people who are bound together may support each other just with their existence. The very thought that they will be there for the person may drive them to face their responsibilities and complete any tasks assigned to them. Love can also destroy a persons will to live, especially love that is one sided. Feelings generated by knowing that the individual that is admired does not recognize ones own existence; much less one owns feelings directed towards them, can deprive a person of the will to sleep, eat, or in drastic cases feel compelled to uphold personal responsibilities. If left unchecked these people can turn into misanthropes, loathing those who have found happiness. Let the people who never find true love keep saying that theres no such thing. Their faith wil l make it easier for them to live and die.(Szymborska 577-578) True love can leave impressions on those blessed with it, leaving scars on those who forfeited their love or missed their chance. And wonderful memories for those who loved and lost. But in reality common love can affect people in similar ways. While common love also has the power to bind people and is very painful to lose, it can also bring people back together after their connection has been lost and then rebuild it. Where as with the apparent rarity of true love it is either acquired and held on to or is lost for good. This may be the one advantage of common place love over true love. Love affects every single person on the entire planet. Weather it is someones drive to find true love, someones existing love, or someone who cannot find love, this emotion rules parts of their lives. For someone who cannot find love, it may turn them sour or bitter. lamenting over others good fortune these poor souls forget to keep vigil for their chance at love. As a driving force love can be extremely powerful weather in the case of driving the loveless to seek out companionship or driving the lover to action on behalf of his partner. Loves driving force has led people and nations to ruins but has also led a select few to glory and legend. Those who search out true love, depending on their style may go through many relation ships looking for their soul mate. The one true love to end all other minor feelings, but true love might be something crafted not found. And if so then what of all the others left behind in their search for true love? They are left to find or make their own sp iritual connection with someone, or be left bitter, cold, or unaffected by love. For those whom love already exists true love may come with ease or difficulty, dependent on weather true love can be made or if it has to be found. If true love can be made then anyone who can continue a relationship until that connection is made can be truly happy with their lives. Love has affected people since the beginning of time. In the Christian scripture god creates woman from man, so as to give man a companion. In the times before Christ in the bible men and women still married. Although some men are described as polygamist love could still prevail, as in The Story of Hosea and Gome. Where Hosea takes Gome back after she betrayed him and took another lover. Love has come through from this early beginnings of culture and society to todays twenty first century world. Love has spanned countless generations, no matter where in time it occurs love has connected countless people on a plane deeper than that of friendship and camaraderie. In todays modern world love can be described as something intangible yet still dangled in front of ones face. With the proliferation of dating websites like E-harmony and match.com finding true love has become a process that seems ever more so out of our control. Although with the change of time processes and methods of findin g love or true love have changed, the fact is that people are still driven to companionship and the search for true love no matter how or when. The search for love will last as long as people feel emotions, as the feelings of fear, inadequacy and loneliness are what drive people to find another who will accept and soothe these feelings without any prejudice. If someone loses their chance at love, and they turn bitter, or become depressed; they only need to remember that there is more than one chance for a meaningful relationship waiting for them. Every single person is a new connection waiting to be formed. Just because someone slips away does not mean that theres no hope. Even if someones childhood relationships are not fully formed, or someone has a hard time making a connection with other people; they can recover from their disadvantage. Every new relationship is another possibility and another chance at love. Harlow, John, and Brendan Montague. Scientists discover true love. Sunday Times January 4, 2009 : Web. 8 Dec 2009. . Szymborska, Wislawa. True Love. Making Literature Matter. Ed. John Schilb, John Clifford. Boston: Bedford / ST. Martins, 2009. Print. Young, Cori. Child Development is Almost Entirely About Love, Research Clearly Shows. Natural Humor Medicine. Natural Humor Medicine, Web. 8 Dec 2009. .
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Tda 2.5 Schools as Organisations
TDA 2. 5 Schools as organisations Task 1 Links to learning outcome 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, assessment criteria 1. 1, 1. 2, 2. 1, 2. 2, 2. 3, 3. 1, 3. 2, 3. 3, 4. 1, 4. 2, 5. 1, 5. 2, 6. 1, 6. 2 and 6. 3. †¢Identify the main types of state and independent schools †¢Describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance †¢Describe roles and responsibilities of: -School governors -Senior management team -Other statutory roles e. g. SENCO -Teachers †¢Describe the roles of external professionals who may work with a school e. g. ducational psychologist †¢Define the meaning of: -Aims -Values †¢Describe with examples how schools may demonstrate and uphold their aims †¢Describe with examples how schools may demonstrate and uphold their values †¢Identify the laws and codes of practice affecting work in schools †¢Describe why school have policies and procedures †¢Identify the policie s and procedures school may have relating to: -Staff -Pupil welfare -Teaching and learning †¢Identify the roles and responsibilities of national and local government for education policy and practice †¢Describe the role of schools in national olicies relating to children, young people and families †¢Describe the roles of other organisations working with children and young people and how these may impact on the work in schools. Identify the main types of state and independent schools Links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1. 1 AND Describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance Links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1. 2 All children in England between the ages of 5 and 16 are entitled to a free place at a state school. There are four main types of state schools that receive funding from the local authority. They all follow the national curriculum and are regularly inspected by OFSTED. Community schools – Run by the local authority, which employ the staff, own the lands and building, and decides which admissions criteria to use. Community schools have strong links with the local community and they usually offer their facilities for childcare and adult learning classes. (I do work placement at a community school) Foundation and trust schools – Foundation schools are run by their own governing body, which employs the staff and sets the admissions criteria. Land and buildings are owned by the governing body or a charitable foundation. Trust schools are like foundation schools but they have an outside partnership which forms a charitable trust. The outside partner could be a business or educational charity. They try to explore new way of working to raise standards. The governing body decides whether to become a trust school with parents having a say. Voluntary-aided schools – Are mainly religious or faith schools. The governing body employs staff and sets the admissions criteria. The school buildings and land is owned by a charity hich could be a religious organisation. They also appoint some of the members of the governing body. Voluntary-controlled schools- Are similar to voluntary-aided schools, but are run by the local authority. The local authority employs the staff and set the admissions criteria. The land and buildings and land are owned by a charity usually a religious organisation, which also appoint some members of the g overning body. There are; Specialist schools- which follow the National Curriculum and focus on a particular subject area like, sports, media or technology. Academies- which are independently managed, they are set up by sponsors from business, faith or voluntary groups in partnership with the Department for Education (DfE) and the local authority. Together they fund the land and buildings, with the government covering the running costs. City Technology Colleges- These are independently managed, non-fee-paying schools in urban areas for pupils of all abilities aged 11 to 18. They are geared towards science, technology and the world of work, offering a range of vocational qualifications as well as GCSEs and A levels. Community and foundation special schools- cater for children with specific special educational needs. These may include physical disabilities or learning difficulties. Faith schools- are mostly run in the same way as other state schools. However, their faith status may be reflected in their religious education curriculum, admissions criteria and staffing policies. Grammar schools- select all or most of their pupils based on academic ability. Maintained boarding schools- offer free tuition, but charge fees for board and lodging. Independent schools- set their own curriculum and admissions policy is usually decided by the governing body and head teacher. They are funded by fees paid by parents and income from investments. Just over half have charitable status. They have to be registered with the DfE, and regularly monitored by OFSTED. http://www. direct. gov. uk/en/Parents/Schoolslearninganddevelopment/ChoosingASchool/DG_4016312 Describe roles and responsibilities of: -School governors -Senior management team -Other statutory roles e. g. SENCO -Teachers Links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2. 1 School governors- work with the school, they work in partnership with the headteacher and staff. Governors do not intervene with the day to day running of the school, unless there is a serious problem. The governing body is also responsible for making sure that the schools finances are managed appropriately. It is also responsible for staffing and personnel management. They will also make decisions on issues involving the curriculum and whether to write new policies. Senior management team- Is responsible for taking interviews, inductions, performance monitoring, and appraisals. They can also deal with complaints and issues with colleagues. Deal with courses and career development. They can hold staff meetings, also be responsible for child protection issues. Have general information about policies. Sort out salary queries. Other statutory roles e. g. SENCO- This person is responsible for coordinating the special needs policies in a setting and advising staff. They will be the line of contact for any outside agencies that need to come into the school to look at individual children with special needs. Teachers- are responsible for the education and welfare of the children in the reception classes and for the communication with Parents and all members of the School community. Specific responsibilities: CURRICULUM †¢ Provide a broad, balanced curriculum based on the Foundation Stage †¢ Plan effectively, using learning objectives, producing long-term, mid term and weekly plans †¢ Organise an appropriate timetable, following School’s guidelines †¢ Arrange visits out of school for the children, to extend learning opportunities †¢ Arrange visitors to come to school, to enrich learning and encourage enquiry ASSESSMENT †¢ Assess children regularly, both formally and informally †¢ Observe individual children in different situations and involved in different activities †¢ Use Baseline Assessment †¢ Keep up to date profiles for all children †¢ Use assessment results to plan appropriate learning programmes Describe the roles of external professionals who may work with a school e. g. educational psychologist Links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2. 2 EDUCATIONAL PSYCOLOGIST Educational psychologists consider how children learn, so are used to helping to identify learning difficulties. They visit schools and settings regularly and work alongside parents and professionals in the setting. PHYSIOTHERAPIST A physiotherapist helps to identify a child’s main physical problems while working alongside other professionals and parents. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPIST Speech and language therapists work with children who have some difficulties with their language. COMMUNITY PAEDIATRICIAN Paediatricians are manly based in hospitals and clinics. They have specialised training in children’s medicine and children are referred to them via their family doctor for diagnosis. They make regular assessments of hildren’s progress and medical needs. They are able to refer children to other health services such as speech and language therapy and dieticians. COMMUNITY NURSE In some areas community nurses visit schools and settings to help provide advice and support. Integrating health and education is a major focus for the Every Child Matters programme, so some early yea r’s centres will have a community based at the centre. FAMILY DOCTOR (GP) A GP has general training in medicine. GP’s form part of the community health team and act as a base for a child’s ongoing medical treatment and notes. CHILD PSYCHIATRIST Children or young people who are showing depression or emotional difficulties may be referred to child psychiatrist. A child psychiatrist has been trained as a doctor specialising in mental health and is able to prescribe medication as well as being able to consider the underlying issues behind a child’s emotional state. CHILD PSYCHOTHERAPIST A child psychotherapist will work with children or young people who are showing emotional distress by talking through their experiences with them and helping the child to explore these. CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST A child psychologist looks at child’s development and learning in a similar way to an educational psychologist. The main difference between their roles is that a child psychologist may support children in a range of different settings rather than just in the educational context. PLAY THERAPIST A play therapist helps children to explore trauma or experiences through the medium of play. EDUCATIONAL WELFARE OFFICER/EDUCATION SOCIAL WORKER The main function of these professionals is to liaise between home and families in cases where school attendance is infrequent. It is an offence for children over 5 years old not to be in some sort of full-time educational programme. ) SPECIAL NEEDS SUPPPORT TEACHER These teachers travel between schools to visit young people or children in their home or pre-school settings. They are able to help a wide range of children and are often seen as useful sources of support and guidance. CLASSROOM ASSISTANT/LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANT Their main purpose is to support an individual child, young person or a group of children or young people within a classroom under direction of the teacher. Social worker The majority of social workers are employed by the local authority, although some are employed by voluntary organisations. They are generally deployed in teams according to specialist areas, for example social workers may be involved in caring for older clients, adoption or fostering work. Social workers can provide guidance and advice as well as practical support for families. RESPITE CARERS Respite carers look after children for short periods of time so that their parents can have some time out. CARERS AND BENEFIT ADVISORS Some settings have career and benefits advisors as part of the team. They can help parents find employment and training courses and give them advice about claiming benefit. Define the meaning of: -Aims -Values Links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2. 3 Aims and Values are usually set out in the schools mission statement. Aims- explain what the school wants to achieve. They are usually set out by the head teacher with support from the community and parents. Values- can be determined by the schools rules, usually include respect for self and others and are closely related to Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and citizenship education. Values are based on moral code. The mission statement from the school I do my work placement at; All children will receive an education that is broad and balanced, that develops their potential and is suited to their needs. They will be given opportunities to discover and develop their talents through curricular and extracurricular activities. The ethos and curriculum of the school will instil values that will encourage independence, self esteem and respect for others. Describe with examples how schools may demonstrate and uphold their aims Links to learning outcome 3, assessment criteria 3. 1 Schools may demonstrate and uphold their aims in a mission statement. For example the school where I do work placement explains that they are committed to encouraging the children to reach their full potential whatever their needs. Describe with examples how schools may demonstrate and uphold their values Links to learning outcome 3, assessment criteria 3. 2 Schools may demonstrate and uphold their values in a mission statement. The mission statement from the school where I do my work placement states that the curriculum and ethos of the school will encourage self esteem, independence and respect for others. Identify the laws and codes of practice affecting work in schools Links to learning outcome 3, assessment criteria 3. 3 There are some laws and codes of practice that affect work in schools which are; Children’s Act 2004; Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Special Educational Needs Code of Practice; Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Children’s Act 2004 -it was passed to make sure that duties would be put on local authorities to ensure that all the different services that work with children and their families work more efficiently together. Data Protection Act 1998 – Schools are required to keep information secure and it can only be used for the purpose it was gathered for. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Special Educational Needs Code of Practice- Schools are not to discriminate against disabled children this has led to more disabled children in mainstream schools. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974- Designed to protect everyone within the school and give procedures to follow in the event of an accident. Identify the policies and procedures school may have relating to: -Staff -Pupil welfare -Teaching and learning
Friday, January 10, 2020
Things we Carry essay
My thing carried is a cellophane. It's convenient, awesome, and Just great to have around. It represents everyone's social status. Keeping up with friends is also ten times easier. I carry it with me always to keep in contact with everyone I know. My phone also serves as a multi-purpose fun machine. I get to play silly games when I'm bored, watch movies I put on my phone. Fight Club, mostly. Every night I make sure to charge my phone. A day without my phone Is worse than It should be, but most people depend on their phone. So It doesn't bother me. A person's phone In a small way defines a person.I have seen a ton of different phones In my day. If you see someone with a 2005 cherry red flip phone, you're never going to assume they could be a CEO of a major company. He would have a Blackberry, and every girl in high school that wears jug boots Instantly has an Phone from the last 2 generations, minimum. It represents your class and how social you are. A perfect fit for high school. Kid s definitely judge you on your phone to a certain extent, if it's â€Å"cool†or â€Å"in†. No one will actually say something or bully someone based on a phone but the intense judging is still very present.I feel like it would really fun if no one had cell phones. People would actually have to talk to other people to accomplish things. Everyone would feel more social, alive, and joyful. Of course, this dream will never happen so as long as cellophanes are still in every single persons pocket. I will continue to keep my cell phone on me at all times if for no other reason than to keep in touch with everyone, because everyone else loves phones. Phones are definitely not all bad, they are really amazing to have on you. It Just doesn't seem worth it to miss out on the social parts of high school.This opinion doesn't seem to e too common among most high-choler's. Its only because they don't understand how fun it would be to actually go on adventures with friends and be foc used on what you're doing at all times. No side testing or checking Faceable. Friendships would be created faster. People would actually get to know each other. It's a tiny bit sad actually, so many people use so many phones every day, that not having a phone Is pretty much socially unacceptable, and to not have a phone In high school Is to be cut off from all news and gossip. People almost always Just get the phone their friends have. It's a class thing.We do this, we sit here, we dress this way, and we use this phone. Phones will never stop though, next Its Google Glass, then Its self-driving cars, before anyone knows It everyone Is the chairs from WALLET on a giant spaceship. Don't worry too badly though, that's a long way away. Also, It doesn't even seem Like that bad of a way to go. My thing carried is a cellophane, it's great to have. Comes with a few small drawbacks but as long as everyone else carries a cell phone every day, I don't really mind also using my cellophane to be able to contact anyone at any time. Cellophanes you when bored. Cellophanes are amazing, Just not perfect.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Hip Hop Culture And Rap Music - 996 Words
Over the past few years, hip-hop culture and rap music has stirred up controversy throughout America and it’s media. Whether it is Dr. Dre’s 1992 hit single â€Å"A Nigga Witta Gun†or Bobby Shmurda’s 2014 hit single â€Å"Hot Nigga†that boasts about shooting other African-Americans, it seems that the media has denounced the hip-hop culture and criticized them for the continuous increase on inner-city youth violence. If people would just listen closer to hip-hop’s message instead of assuming it has negative intensions, they will realize that hip-hop culture is simply a liberation movement was started and still ran mostly by the black inner-city youth in America. For years, the black inner-city youth has been oppressed through racial and economic situations and they believe that the hip-hop movement is the next civil rights movement in America. They have similar intentions as Martin Luther King did during the 1960’s civil rights moveme nt; their way of peaceful protest is through the four main areas involved in hip-hop culture: DJing, breakdancing, graffiti, and most importantly rap music (Romano). The East and West coast were always competing against each other through means of hop-hop. It was all about which region had the better DJs, graffiti artist, b-boys and b-girls, and MCs. Each element of hip-hop had a positive impact on American culture. B-boying and b-girling (breakdancing) was the beginning of the hip-hop movement and it ended lots of violent gang warfare becauseShow MoreRelatedRap Music And Hip Hop Culture1097 Words  | 5 PagesRap music has been around for many decades. Rap/hip hop is a music genre that consists of a stylized rhythmic music that usually accompanies rapping. Since rap music’s explosion, it took the industry and became the important part of hip hop culture. It has advanced over time as a part of hip hop culture, which originated from urban youth in New York as a cul tural movement. Its original listeners were primarily African America and it has spread around the world and hip hop has come to be a part forRead More A Violent Message in the Art of Popular Culture Essay1679 Words  | 7 PagesA â€Å"Violent†Message in the Art of Popular Culture Many people believe that present-day music cause division, tension, and sometimes violence. However, it is acknowledged as art in popular culture. Art in popular culture revolves around action movies, television sitcoms, and provocative song lyrics, which have themes centered on explicit sexuality. Art in popular culture is embodied in music, dance, photography, and other artwork that embraces the ills of the world and acknowledges thatRead More Music Essay - America Needs Rap and Hip Hop1366 Words  | 6 PagesNeeds Rap and Hip Hop Ever since it became popular in the late eighties, hip-hop music has been a target of moral disapproval. Many critics have labeled the music as an offensive, vulgar, misogynist form of expression, which negatively influences its listeners, particularly children. Early in rap musics development concerned citizens and various government officials held protests against the release of certain rap albums. Rap musics opponents demanded strict censorship. But hip-hopRead MoreHip Hop And Hip Rap Music1144 Words  | 5 PagesHip hop music has delivered messages of freedom of expression, unity, peace, and protest against social injustices, for the past 30 years. But exactly when and where did it begin, and what impact has it had on our society? 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MCs, DJs, and B-Boys formRead MoreRap Music : Influence On Violent Behavior1379 Words  | 6 PagesRAP MUSIC’S INFLUENCE ON VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES: A REVIEW Kaland Farrow Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University RAP MUSIC’S INFLUENCE ON VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES: A REVIEW Rap music is derived from Hip Hop culture which is deeply rooted in the African American community. The word, rap, has a Middle English origin. Originally, rap means to beat or strike. Beginning in the 1960s, African Americans gave the word another definition. In the black communityRead MoreThe Music Of The Hip Hop1673 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"I said the hip hop, Hippie to the hippie, the hip, hip hop, and you don’t stop, a rock it to the bang, bang boogie, say you jump the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.†â€Å"Rapper’s Delight†is a song recorded in 1979 by American hip hop trio The Sugarhill Gang. It was the original 12-inch single was 15 minutes of incontestable urban-playboy bragging. â€Å"Rapper’s Delight†was not the first single but, it is generally considered to be the song that made hip hop in the United States popularRead MoreHip Hop Culture And Culture1196 Words  | 5 PagesHip-Hop Culture and race have had a complicated relationship in the past two decades. It has been commonly referred to as â€Å"black music†and a reflection of black culture. However, recent studies done by the Mediamark Research Inc. showed that 60% of rap music buyers are white. With the emergence of white, Latino, Asian, and other rappers with diverse backgrounds on the Hip Hop scene it is important recognize the changing color of the genre and the stereotype it holds as â€Å"black music†. Black cultureRead More Hip Hop vs. Ethics Essay1665 Words  | 7 PagesEthics of The Music Industry Works Cited Not Included Hip-hop culture has been socially labeled as deviant, a counter-culture, un-American because of its lack of moral. Specifically, gangsta rap which glorifies guns, sex, violence, drug use and gang activity has been castigated. This type of rap promotes a nonconformist and rebel adaptive behavior. As a result, it gives hip-hop culture a deviant label. A simple definition of deviance is behavior that does not conform to group-shared norms;Read More Music - The Hip-hop Movement Essay1650 Words  | 7 PagesMusic - The Hip-hop Movement Hip-hop has become a new cultural phenomenon in North America and has become quite popular all over the world. Hip-hop began in the 1970s in New York City where it has its origins in the African-American community. However, because of music videos, Hip-hop culture has become accessible to everyone in society and has merged into mainstream pop culture. Hip-hop culture may not have been as popular if it was not for the accessibility of this new media. The Hip-hop
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