Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Is Falling Failure or Freedom Essay - 1279 Words
Is Falling Failure or Freedom? What defines a â€Å"fall†? Some would say that a fall is a freeing from the restrictions of the oppression of a supreme being. Others would say that a fall is the punishment that comes from foolishly disobeying the one who is in authority over you. The falls in book nine of â€Å"Paradise Lost†and â€Å"Othello†both have parallels in the reasons and methods in which revenge was carried out and perfection was destroyed. But these stories end with different victors and very different balances of power. The fall of â€Å"Paradise Lost†does have motives and patterns common with the fall of â€Å"Othello.†Each story establishes the authority of a Supreme Being, God the creator and Othello respectively. God the creator made†¦show more content†¦God tells Adam and Eve that they may eat of any tree in the garden, but they must not eat of the tree in the middle of the garden, which is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam and Eve that if they ate of the tree they would surely die. Satan, who is jealous of the position of glory that God has put man in, plots his revenge against God. Satan wants to destroy the perfection of God’s creation, and cause the consequences of disobedience to come upon mankind as it did upon him at the time of his own rebellion against God. Satan had been cast out of heaven and eternally damned to hell, and he planned that man would have to face the same fate if they would disobey God. Satan deceived Eve and Eve d isobeyed God, and which event signified the fall of man. The death God said would come if they ate the fruit was not a physical death, but a spiritual death that would affect life on earth and the fate of man after death. To the earth it brought pain and sorrow, greed, jealousy, sin, anger, and any unpleasant feeling or unfulfilling work. Eternally, man’s disobedience brought exactly what Satan wished for, the damnation of imperfect mankind to an eternity in hell, only because God is perfect and can not look upon imperfection. But the actual end of the story is not in line with this loss of hope. The end is what differs greatly from the end of â€Å"Othello.†In â€Å"Othello†, Iago is jealous of the fact that OthelloShow MoreRelatedKafkas The Metamorphosis : Societal Normality Versus The Individual1626 Words  | 7 PagesSocietal Normality versus the Individual â€Å"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.†Although perhaps a trivial interpretation of the role of conformity, John F. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Importance of Interpersonal Communications in a...
I don’t know where I would be without my best friend. The person who keeps me sane when my family is driving me crazy, or the person who will stay up with me all night to support me when I have a last minute paper due in a class; I don’t know where I would be without that support. I found this support in my best friend, my sister from another father, Regina. Regina is an eccentric, overbearing, lover of all things natural type of girl. She lives life to the fullest and never backs down from a challenge. She is funny, full of whit and sharper than a tack fresh out of the box. Although it hasn’t always been a smooth road for us we still remain friends to this day. Regina and I were neighbors for several years and in that time our†¦show more content†¦Managing my emotions and listening carefully greatly improved my response and nonverbal communication. Once I had my emotions in check, Regina’s attention, and an environment that reduced my lis tening barriers, it was time for self-disclosure. Self-disclosure is defined as purposefully providing information about yourself to others that they would not learn if you did not tell them (Beebe, Beebe, and Redmond pp. 53). Since Regina and I already knew a lot about each other, I chose the time we spent together to disclose my thoughts and feelings about our current situation and my feelings on our relationship. I began with an open conversation about our avoidance of our core issues and asked her what we could do to fix them. She responded with, â€Å"You need to stop over analyzing things and just go with the flow.†At first I was taken aback by her statement because instead of taking some of the fault on herself, she put it all on me. But I took a moment to think about what she said and why she was saying it and asked her for suggestions on how to better communicate with each other. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Correctly Said Employees Are The Biggest †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: Using three motivation theories/frameworks covered in this course, discuss what are the lessons to be learned about motivation from the practices of NUMMI? What would you advise NUMMI management to stop doing, start doing, or do better? Answers: Introduction It is correctly said that employees are the biggest assets for any organization. Therefore, it is important that leaders and managers should make efforts to keep employees happy. There are various ways to keep employees happy. One of the basic ways is to improve the motivation level of employees (Boyle Charles, 2011). It is also observed that the motivation level of employees is directly linked with the productivity level of employees. There are various theories in the field of motivation of employees. One of the most widely used theories of motivation is Maslow need hierarchy model of motivation. The objective of this paper is to discuss the case study of Motivation at New United Motor Manufacturing Inc.. The paper would discuss the two questions at the end of case study. The analysis is based on number of motivational theories and motivation like Maslow need hierarchy, Expectancy theory of motivation, Job characteristic model, etc. The paper also discusses the key issues for the o rganization and the probable solutions to these issues. The strategies discussed in this paper would help the organization to move forward. The two questions asked in the case study can be discussed as: Analysis The case study of Motivation at New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. is an interesting case. The case can be analyzed from various perspectives of organizational behavior. This case is an interesting case to analyze; as General Motors was not doing good and employees were not happy at the workplace. However, the organization observed a transformation in its new avatar of NUMMI. The new management was very clear in its approach that they want to best from the employees and for that they were ready to give best culture to employees. The specific questions asked in the case study can be discussed as below: There are various good lessons learned from the organizational behavior at NUMMI. The three key motivational theories that could be applied to the case study of NUMMI can be discussed as: Maslow hierarchy of need The management of NUMMI realized that different employees in the organization are at different level of motivation and it would make sense to target motivational trigger of these employees at these levels. For some of the employees, basic need was important and there were some employees who were at self esteem needs level (Tarman Tarman, 2011). Within the organization, management and leaders focused on some basic steps like increasing the salary of employees. The management was also able to satisfy the basic and safety needs of employees by providing a high level of job security. The management also ensured that the differences between different levels of employees were minimized by providing the facilities in same cafeteria (Loes Pascarella, 2012). Another thing that the management of NUMMI focused on was the training and development of employees. The management organized several training for employees. The objective was to generate a feeling of self-belongingness among employees. It can be said that the management was successful to generate this feeling of self-belongingness, as employees felt more connected with the employees and management. The management also established the culture where managers had limited or no power (Paolacci Chandler, 2010). This can be considered as a negative instrument also as some sort of powers should be given to managers and leaders so that they can manage the operations of the organization in an effective manner. Expectancy theory of motivation Whereas Maslow and Herzberg look at the relationship between internal needs and the resulting effort expended to fulfill them, Vroom's expectancy theory separates effort that arises from motivation, performance, and outcomes. This theory of motivation suggests that the performance of an employee within the organization depends on number of internal and individual factors like skills, knowledge, personality, ability, experience, etc. Therefore, it is important that management should map employees to the desired skill level. The key thing for management of NUMMI was to convince the employees about their capabilities. The performance of the employees would be high only when they work as per their skill set. This strategy helped NUMMI to increase the productivity level of their employees (Reidenbach Robin, 2013). The steps taken to improve the skillset of employees were specific training and development programs for employees. With time, employees were able to improve their performance as their performance was linked to their rewards. It can be said that expectancy theory of motivation has helped NUMMI to establish a culture of trust and motivation within the organization. At the same time, it is important that employees and organizations should also understand the negatives associated with the expectancy theory of motivation. For example, at NUMMI the rewards of managers were slightly more than the employees. It is suggested that organizational leaders and managers should treat all the employees equitably and fairly. Job characteristic model Simply defined, Job characteristics theory is a theory of work design. It provides a set of implementing principles for enriching jobs in organizational settings. There are various job design models that NUMMI used. The mode of job design helped the management to have a systematic process in place. With work deign, managers are able to have jobs dependent on processes rather than dependent on people. It helped the organizations to maintain the effectiveness in place even when the people leave the organizations. The organization, NUMMI was able to improve the efficiency level of employees with a proper job characteristic model in place. The job characteristic would depend on number of variables like skill variety of employees, task identity, task significance, and feedback given to employees. It is important that the management and leadership should also give real time feedback to employees so that they can work on their feedback (Stewart, 2014). The process of feedback also helps the employees to improve on real time basis. The empowerment given to employees is also an integral part of job characteristic model as used at NUMMI. With Internet and technology advancements, organizations have been able to overcome the international expansion barriers. The spread of Internet has also helped the people to socialize with the culture of other people and as a result the ease of doing business has improved in the international market. The culture of NUMMI appeared to be good. However, it is important that the management must realize the importance of continuous improvement. Therefore, the leaders must realize the things that are on right track and the things that should be improved further. There are not much of the differences that could be observed within the organization. However, some of the issues that the organization should take care of can be discussed as: Issues at NUMMI One of the issues identified at NUMMI is the cultural issue. The company has expanded and it hast the employees from different parts of the world. For example, NUMMI has the employees from America and Japan. There are significant differences between the culture of America and Japan (Cohen Burdett, 2011). Therefore, it is important that the management should develop the strategies that do not impact the productivity level of employees amidst these cultural differences. It is also important to mention that the company has to operate within the tough competition. Therefore, it is important that the management of NUMMI should have a strong eye towards the profit maximization strategies. It is correct that the organization has taken several steps to ensure that profit maximization happens at a good pace (Knutsen Brock, 2014). For example, NUMMI was able to use less amount of water to produce per car. At the same time, the company was able to produce more cars per day. All these strategies enabled NUMMI to have profit maximization entities in place. The solutions to above issues or problems are not easy to implement. However, with effective planning and a long-term vision in place, the solutions could be implemented. Some of the probable solutions or the strategies to overcome the issues can be discussed as: Solutions to overcome the issues: As discussed above, one of the major issues for NUMMI is cultural issue. There are various cultural models that the management of NUMMI can use to overcome the cultural barriers. The model like Hofstede cultural model would help NUMMI to overcome the cultural issues that exist within the organization (Sokoll, 2014). For example, the cultural issues between the Japanese and American employees could be minimized with the use of Hofsetde cultural model. Another recommended solution for NUMMI is to keep employees engagement high. It is important that employees should understand their values in the organization. The management should empower the employees so that the organization can get the best from employees. Another recommendation for NUMMI is that the leaders of NUMMI should focus on transformational leadership style. The advantages with transformational leadership style is that the leaders can handle change management naturally with transformational style of leadership. For a large organization like NUMMI, change management should be an integral part of business operations. Therefore, it is important that leaders have the ability to manage the change within the organization. The benefit with transformational style of leadership is that it helps the leaders to show and to communicate a vision to employees. It is also important that the organization should consider the conflict in a positive manner. With the employees from different cultural background there are chances of various conflict that can occur within the organization. The use and implementation of transformational style of leadership helps the organizations to implement conflict in a positive matter (Barker Mak, 2013). The ne xt solution or the strategy for NUMMI would be the focus on real time and two-way communication. It is suggested that the communication should be effective within the organization so that the efficiency is high. Conclusion The above paper discusses the case study of NUMMI. With the above discussion it can be said that cultural issues are the major issue for the organization and the management of NUMMI would be able to bring further improvement within the organization with an effective culture in place. The paper also discusses various motivational theories that the management of NUMMI. The Maslow need hierarchy theory is widely used and it would help the management of NUMMI to get the best out of people. Based on the issues discussed in the paper, the suggested solutions for NUMMI are also discussed. It appears that the management of NUMMI would be able to make further improvement in the organization if it can make and establish an effective culture within the organization. The support from the internal stakeholders like employees and the external stakeholders like investors would enable the management of NUMMI to have a vision in place. The important thing is that this vision should be communicated to various internal and external stakeholders of the company. References Barker, M. C., Mak, A. S. (2013). From classroom to boardroom and ward developing generic intercultural skills in diverse disciplines.Journal of Studies in International Education,17(5), 573-589. Boyle, B., Charles, M. (2011). Education in a multicultural environment: equity issues in teaching and learning in the school system in England. International Studies in Sociology of Education,21(4), 299-314. Loes, C., Pascarella, E., Umbach, P. (2012). Effects of diversity experiences on critical thinking skills: who benefits?.The Journal of Higher Education,83(1), 1-25. Loreman, T., Deppeler, J., Harvey, D. (2010).Inclusive Education. Supporting diversity in the classroom. Routledge. Tarman, I., Tarman, B. (2011). Developing effective multicultural practices: A case study of exploring a teachers understanding and practices.Journal of International Social Research,4(17), 578-598. Knutsen, W., Brock, K. (2014). Introductory essay: From a closed system to an open system: A parallel critical review of the intellectual trajectories of publicness and nonprofitness.Voluntas: International Journal Of Voluntary Nonprofit Organizations, 25(5), 1113-1131 Reidenbach, R.E. and Robin, D.P., 2013. Some Initial Steps Toward Improving the Measurement of Ethical Evaluations of Marketing Activities. InCitation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 315-328). Springer Netherlands. Cohen, E., Burdett, E., Knight, N. and Barrett, J., 2011. Cross?Cultural similarities and differences in person?body reasoning: Experimental evidence from the United Kingdom and Brazilian Amazon.Cognitive science,35(7), pp.1282-1304. Paolacci, G., Chandler, J. and Ipeirotis, P.G., 2010. Running experiments on amazon mechanical turk. Sokoll, S. (2014). Servant Leadership and Employee Commitment to a Supervisor. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 8(2), 88-104. Stewart, C., 2014. Transforming professional development to professional learning.Journal of Adult Education,43(1), p.28
Sunday, December 1, 2019
There Will Come Soft Rains Essay Example
There Will Come Soft Rains Essay Analyse how a character is developed for a particular purpose in a written text you have studied. ‘There Will Come Soft Rains’ is a dystopian science fiction short story written by Ray Bradbury. The story is about a house in the future that is left standing after a nuclear bomb. The house continues with its normal routine even in the absence of humans. In the short story a character that is developed for a particular purpose is the house.The houses’ particular purpose is to show a symbol of modern technology and the potential limitations of new technologies. The techniques used to develop the house for a particular purpose is: personification and actions. The first technique used to develop the house is for a particular purpose is personification. Bradbury uses personification throughout the story, which helps readers gain an insight on the houses personality. An example of this personification in the story is when the house â€Å"quivered at each sound†.Th is leads the reader to believe that the house is alive. This gives the house a defensive personality as it â€Å"quivered at each sound†. Another example of personification in the story is when house sings â€Å"tick-tock, seven o’clock †This example of personification is used to show us another personality that the house has, this is its organized personality. We see that the house is organized a lot throughout the story because its times are programmed reminders of what needs to be done at that certain time.These techniques are used to develop the house is for a particular purpose, which is to symbolise modern technology. It symbolises this through its features such as: being able to talk, knowing what to do at what time, being able to prepare a full meal and cleaning it up, cleaning the house and even playing poems. This shows the readers how modern the technology used in the house is. The second technique, used to develop the house for a particular purpose, is actions.Bradbury uses actions throughout the story to show the reader what the house is doing, which gives the reader a better understanding of the houses’ personality. The house does actions in numerous parts of the story, in one part of the story the house inquires â€Å"who goes there †it gets no answer from anything or anyone, it then shut its windows and drew its shades in â€Å"an old-maidenly preoccupation with self-protection.. †The reader perceives the houses’ personality to be protective also, however this shows us another purpose of the house which is ts limitations of new technology, although the house is protective it does not have the human ability to think and adapt to different situations. But not only is the house protective, despite the house having some of the best technology, such as cooking for you, making your bath, cleaning for you etc. The house still does not have the human ability to think and adapt to situations. An exampl e of this is when the house sings â€Å"two o’clock†after the dog dies the dog is decaying as the mice drop the dog into the incinerator.This shows the readers that house has no human emotion or the ability to adapt and think for itself and shows us that another personality the house has is being oblivious to most things such as death. These techniques are used to develop the house for a particular purpose in the story of showing the potential limitations of new technology. In conclusion, Ray Bradbury shows in this short story why he is such a skilled writer. Bradbury can effectively develop a character for a particular purpose in a clear way so that he readers can easily tell what it is about, just as he did in ‘There Will Come Soft Rains’.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Healthy eating plan comparison Essay Example
Healthy eating plan comparison Essay Example Healthy eating plan comparison Paper Healthy eating plan comparison Paper The Healthy Eating Plan paper has enabled me to look into healthy choices of food thereby providing me with the essential nutrients in their required amounts. Though it is difficult to come across any changes at this stage as dietary modification to fit in lifestyle takes time, it can be said that dietary modification does not take place overnight. In order to develop a consistent practice to eat foods based on the recommended dietary allowance, one should learn the importance of developing such a habit followed by incorporating those habits into the lifestyle. Obesity is truly the main concern with regards to diet today as we eat little of fresh foods and more of processed foods. It is difficult to make choices from all kinds of food and have them all in a day. Therefore, the wisest thing, which I believe is to slowly incorporate all the foods from the food pyramid, one by one. My nutritional habits, since the Healthy Eating Plan paper have not changed much. It is a bit difficult for me to proceed for milk products everyday if I am having grains and beans (as well as meats) the following day. I believe the major reason for this is the satiety value of these foods. Over the period of three days of nutritional tracking of the foods that I had consumed, I believe I have consumed fewer quantities of it compared to what is needed to be consumed. It is an alarming issue but it can be resolved slowly through regular nutritional monitoring. This would include making healthy food choices and avoiding processed foods as much as possible. To be rational in the understanding of making the right choices of food, it is essential to follow the food pyramid. Although I did try my best to eat from each food group, I lacked in some way or the other as I believe there should be a more fluent plan that enables the people to eat healthy foods easily. For instance, I had milk products only on the first day of my nutritional tracking. The rest two days were without any milk products. This meant almost no calcium for two days, which I believe is not good as well. After a research into how I can make my diet have varied foods, I have found the following below very effective in devising my plan for healthy eating habits and proceed in the right direction, â€Å"Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Try picking from the rainbow of colors available to maximize variety. Eat non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, carrots, broccoli or green beans with meals. Choose whole grain foods over processed grain products. Try brown rice with your stir fry or whole wheat spaghetti with your favorite pasta sauce. Include dried beans (like kidney or pinto beans) and lentils into your meals. Include fish in your meals 2-3 times a week†(American Diabetes Association, n.d.). Therefore, such a plan devised above will help me make the healthiest food choices. I believe that being aware of healthy eating issues helps in slow development of nutritional eating habit that would consist of foods specified in the right amounts and as mentioned in the Recommended Dietary Allowance. The main reason as to why I have not been able to change much of my dietary habits over the past three days of tracking has been mainly due to the monotonous foods I had in my diet. This made my diet boring. Creativity is the essence of making anything interesting and therefore, varied foods with a varied sense of consuming them (such as proper garnishing through herbs and choosing foods of different colors and tastes) does help one to move towards a healthy diet. It is interesting to note how we are responsible for our own behaviors towards food. We decide what we want to eat and what we don’t and therefore, there is no forcing business involved in it. Through the Healthy Eating Plan, I have become a regular consumer of beans, fruits and vegetables that are high sources of fiber and nutrients. The need for milk products is also essential that I believe would also become a regular habit if I only make my diet more interesting by adding more varied foods to it. I have started my initiative to look out for healthy foods and thus, psychologically, I have prepared myself to consume healthy foods thereby making the right food choices. A healthy eating plan is much more beneficial if it excludes or keeps processed foods to a minimum. This would help induce healthy eating habits with minimum efforts therefore helping the individual shift towards a healthy lifestyle that is free from health ailments such as obesity, cardiovascular risks as well as diabetes. Framing a healthy eating plan that would incorporate the healthy foods on a weekly basis rather than on a daily basis is less strenuous compared to developing a diet that would include foods to be consumed on a daily basis. Mostly, heart-healthy diets work for everyone as it is delicious and varied in nature. Keeping fats and cholesterols to a minimum helps to a great extent and enriching the diet with fruits, vegetables, grains and lean meats helps keep the heart and the body healthy (American Heart Association, 2007). We need to have awareness for making healthy food choices as obesity; cardiovascular diseases as well as diabetes statistics shoot straight to a red mark (the danger zone). The choices have been immense these days as we shift towards an era that demands a healthy heart and a healthy body that fits within the BMI range. We don’t need saturated fats but we need the essential fatty acids that would keep the heart healthy. We don’t need processed sugar that is found in processed foods but rather fruits that would help keep diabetes at bay. We don’t need an extreme sedentary lifestyle with fast foods but a lifestyle that incorporates healthy food with a healthy exercise. This is to keep obesity at bay. Obesity accounts for a large proportion of diseases that result from a extreme sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy food choices that includes heart risks, diabetes, high blood pressure, gall bladder problems and even several kinds of cancers (Anne Collins, 2007). We need more fiber, more exercise, more fruits and more vegetables. We don’t even consume a quarter of the RDA nutrients required for us on a daily basis and our diets high in carbohydrates have led us to such a ruin. In USA alone, 58 million people have been found to be overweight with another 40 million who are obese and another 3 million who are morbidly obese (Anne Collins, 2007). The need for making healthy food choices is evident from the statistics outlined above. We don’t need fast foods but foods that help us build our bodies such as milk, fruits, vegetables, grains and lean meats (which should be cooked in a healthy manner as well). What we do need is a healthy lifestyle, not based on processed foods but healthy foods because a healthy body incorporates a healthy mind and a healthy mind comes from making healthy food choices†¦ REFERENCES: American Diabetes Association (n.d.). Making Healthy food choices. Retrieved online on the 16th of July, 2007 at American Heart Association (2007). Make Healthy Food Choices. Retrieved online on the 16th of July, 2007 at Anne Collins (2007). Obesity Statistics. Retrieved online on the 16th of July, 2007 at
Friday, November 22, 2019
Finish Your Degree by Enrolling in an Online School
Finish Your Degree by Enrolling in an Online School If youre an adult learner with past college experience but no degree, you might be able to complete your studies by enrolling in an online school. Many online colleges cater to professional adult students wanting to transfer previous credits and earn a degree in less time than a traditional 4-year program. Heres what youll need to do to finish your college degree online: Make sure online learning is the right fit for your lifestyle. Online college isnt a good choice for everyone. Successful students must be able to balance their virtual classes with other responsibilities. They must be able to learn independently, without a teacher giving them personalized instruction and motivation. Additionally, online learners must be competent writers and have a high level of reading comprehension. The majority of online courses are reading- and writing-intensive - those lacking these skills might find themselves overwhelmed, even if they excel at the subject being studied. Find an online college. If you plan to use your degree in the workplace, it is important that your online college is regionally accredited and that it maintains a good reputation. Youll also want to find a program that fits your schedule. Some online colleges require students to log in to a virtual classroom at a certain day and time. Other colleges allow students to work at their own pace, without any scheduled meetings. Make sure your credits transfer. As an adult learner, youll probably want to enroll in a college that accepts transfer credits. You might want to consider applying to one of the big three credit-bank colleges. These online schools are regionally accredited and are known for having flexible credit-application policies. They happily work with students to apply old credits to new degrees. Choose a major. You might decide to keep your original major, or you might choose to study something completely different. Keep in mind that if you have a lot of subject-specific transfer credits, choosing a new major could substantially increase the time it takes to earn a degree. Some fast-track college completion programs offer only a limited selection of majors. Generally these majors are in subjects such as general studies. A degree in such a generic major might hurt you when applying to industries that require training in a specific field. However, most jobs that only require a bachelors’ degree, should accept generic majors with no problem. Submit your transcripts for review. Once youve been accepted to an online program, youll need to have all your previous school transcripts sent to the colleges admissions office. Most colleges do not accept personal copies of transcripts. Youll probably need to have your previous schools send official, sealed transcripts directly to your new college for a nominal fee, usually $20 or less. Ask for transcript review clarifications. After the initial transcript review, speak up with any questions and concerns you have. If you believe that a particular class should be counted toward a requirement, ask about it. You might be able to petition for an additional review, and potentially saving you time and money. Complete the courses required for graduation. Your online college counselor should provide you with a list of required classes. Follow this list and youll be well on your way to completing your college degree. Going back to school as an adult learner can be a challenge. But, if youre motivated and prepared, completing your college degree online can definitely be worth it.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Types of Network Attacks Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Types of Network Attacks - Research Paper Example There is a variety of network attacks reported by researchers and information assurance professionals which keep targeting the government and private industry in a staggering number. It is a great concern of both the government and private industry to get rid of them by using the defense mechanisms identified by information assurance professionals in the past but significant research is still in continuation on this particular subject. It is reported that the number of attacks has doubled by two times since the introduction of World Wide Web due to which some say that the number of network attacks has become unprecedented now and the faster effective defense actions are taken against them, the better. The National Cyber Alert System for the US government and private sectors identified in recent past that all types of network attacks utilize security vulnerabilities (Yang, 1997) and nearly half of all the security threats from the Internet go unreported.It is increasingly important fo r the information assurance professionals and network administrators to acknowledge the nature of potential attacks on computer security so that it becomes easier afterwards to protect the network against such attacks. Spoofing is one such network attack which creates problems by causing a host or application to imitate the actions of another (The Linux Documentation Project, 2002). This is done by tracking IP addresses in network patches by the attacker who conventionally mimics another innocent host. After identifying the IP address by IP Address Spoofing, the attacker next proceeds to modifying or deleting important data (Microsoft TechNet, 2012). Following IP addresses means tracking or guessing TCP sequence number for example as in the case when a TCP connection from another host is tried to be mimicked by the attacker. This is why security vulnerabilities are created by the US-CERT to defend against such natured network attacks. The authenticity of various datagrams and comma nds is also advised to be verified by the teams responsible for detecting network attacks. This is identified as a very important step for protection against network attacks like spoofing. The attackers also try taking advantage of the element of predictability which is why it is advised to incorporate unpredictability into connection control systems so that TCP sequence numbers and myriad port addresses for example could not be tracked or mimicked through spoofing. Source addresses are also taken advantage of in spoofing due to which
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Family study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Family study - Assignment Example He does not follow the six steps at all. For this reason, when it comes to my dad I learned to avoid problems because I fear his communicate style and lack of using the six steps. My mom on the other hand, is very up front about acknowledging when an issue arises but has a hard time actually resolving them. She gets to step 2: finding what each person wants, and then just gives up. She usually doesn’t want to look at alternatives and doesn’t want to negotiate or solidify agreements. So this usually ends up with unresolved issues and hurt feelings. It leaves me feeling helpless because I want to resolve the issues but we usually just agree to disagree. Due to the way in which my parents deal with conflict, I have a hard time bringing up issues in my intimate relationships. I’m afraid to bring up issues because I feel like it is always bad. My boyfriend is very assertive and is not afraid of conflict. He moves through the 6 steps very easily and is great at resolving issues in a respectful manner. He always knows when I’m feeling upset even when I don’t want to bring it up so it has been hard for me to keep my bad habit of suppressing feelings and issues. He calls me out when I am holding back and since I have become aware of it, I have been able to acknowledge my fear of conflict and work past it to resolve issues. I think the 6 steps can be very useful with friends and co-workers as well as any relationship as long as communication is constructive and no steps are left out. Now that I am aware of the specifics of conflict resolution, I can better use it in my life to resolve conflict and become closer with those around me Conflict is part of the society that we live in, as hardly a week passes by without having a difference of opinion with our families, friends and workmates. Nonetheless, it is of great significance to note that
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Analsysis of the Hero by Siegfried Sassoon Essay Example for Free
Analsysis of the Hero by Siegfried Sassoon Essay Analysis- The Hero Brief Summary of Content-In the Poem The Hero Sassoon has presented the hardships that a soldier goes through in the war through the use of the soldier’s death. He also shows the pain of the families left behind by showing the mother’s pain after she finds out that her son as died on the battle fields. The first stanza is introducing the mother at the moment that she finds out her son has died. The mother reads a letter that a Colonel wrote for her and she hides her true feelings about her son’s death because she believes that if she is upset she will dishonour his memory. In the second stanza the brother officer is introduced and he has lied to the mother about how her son had died. The brother officer is patronising to the mother in this stanza because he lies straight to her face about how her son had died and he is doing it so she would not suffer anymore. In the last stanza the brother officer is remembering how Jack had behaved in his last days. The brother officer portrays Jack as being a coward in his last days on the battlefields and this contradicts what he told the mother. The last stanza also shows that Jack tried to get home because of the hardships of war but died before he could. The last stanza also shows that no one cares about what happened to Jack except his mother the ‘Lonely woman with white hair’. Themes and Issues raised in poem- Sassoon has included realistic issues in his poem ‘The Hero’. He clearly portrays the death, and pain associated with war. He also shows the fear associated with fighting through Jack’s attitude in the poem.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Study Abroad :: College Admissions Essays
Learning about new cultures is my favorite thing to do. I interact well with others and enjoy networking with new people. I have found that my ability to meet new people is a trait that makes every visit I have taken to different countries an enjoyable visit. I wish to participate in this program because it has always been a goal of mine to study abroad. By participating in this program I hope to learn about another culture, make international contacts, and gain valuable international business skills. Within this program I assume that I will experience different points of views from the American professors who will be teaching. Along with these different points of views, the Italian culture and interacting with other American students will be experiences I could not otherwise have. Â International business is becoming increasingly more important, and although I have received great education while in college, I am eager to participate in this program because the first-hand experiences I will have cannot be equaled here in America. As a sixth grader I participated in Children's International Summer Villages in Finland. While in Finland I stayed with a host family for a week and lived in a school with forty different delegates representing ten separate countries. It truly was the best time of my life.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
High-school the best years of your life Essay
Being in high-school should definitely be the best four years of your life. Most people forget that these years is what usually makes up for the rest of your life. For example some people choose to study hard, pass their classes, and then have fun with the time they got left over. Others choose to use up all their time for fun and never pass classes or dedicate any type of time towards their education and usually get held back a couple of years like I did. If you really want to make high-school the best years of your life then I would suggest choosing option A so that you enjoy all the festivities and parties with friends without having to make-up for lost time. For some odd reason many kids believe that when you get into trouble, it makes you look like a cool guy or girl to all of your peers. In reality your only labeling yourself as being the troublemaker slacker that doesn’t make it anywhere in life to your teachers. Not to mention you make yourself look like an idiot to the smarter kids at your school. What most kids don’t know is that if your one of those kids that does good and gets his work done on time and passes all his classes then the counselors will give you a little less attention than to the kids who never do work and are always in trouble and never passes their classes. So if you’re a bad kid and you wonder why you get into so much trouble it’s because you’re causing too much attention to yourself and you never do anything that can justify your badness as being good or being minor. Read more: Essay examples for high school So don’t get into trouble if you know that it can risk you getting kicked out and losing those years that should be the best of your life. Another thing that holds a lot of kids back is being in a romantic relationship with somebody. I’m not saying it’s not good to be in love or care for another person, but if that is what’s holding you back from achieving your goals then there has to be a problem with that relationship. This means that you should think about your education before anything else on your agenda for the year instead of focusing on keeping your loved one by your side. If that is too selfish for you to think about then do it for your loved one. If you really cared about another person you would care about their education as well. You wouldn’t want your other half to be dimwitted or uneducated. If you cared for that person you’d want them to be smart and knowledgeable and to be successful in life or maybe you should be the successful one to help your other half be something in life. If they cared about you they’d want the same for you too. Anything else would be selfish of them or you and that wouldn’t be fair to the person you thought you loved or to you at all. The most common thing that hold kids back in school is wanting to party all the time and drink and do drugs and look cool for everyone to see. This is the biggest problem because as a kid all you want to do is party and have fun but when you get older you realize that there is a time and place for everything and during the week is not the time and in school is not the place. School for most kids is their only job and you should treat your school like a job which means to never be late, be respectful to everybody at school, and don’t show up all tired and sick from partying the night before. I remember seeing kids at school on Monday morning throwing up their organs because they drank too much the night before and only slept for like two hours. That is totally irresponsible and should never happen at your job, so why do we let that happen to us in our schools. High-school could’ve been the best years of my life but unfortunately I was one of the kids who decided to waste all my time having fun and am now left to play catch-up with school credits and classes that should’ve been passed years ago. I should’ve graduated in the year 2010. It is now the year 2012 and I am still trying to catch-up on credits that I should’ve already completed two years ago. Luckily for me I found OFY and have been able to complete classes faster than ever and hope to soon reach my goal and graduate high-school. So don’t be like me, be one of the kids that was able to graduate with the rest of their peers and be one of those kids who will remember high-school as being the best years of your life instead of being like me and turning them into the longest years of your life.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Informative Speech Outline Essay
I. Introduction A. Attention Getter – â€Å"A man must consider what a rich realm he abdicates when he becomes a conformist.†~Ralph Waldo Emerson B. Introduce Topic – To simply do something because it’s what everyone else is doing without knowing the reasons why they’re doing it, is conformity. You might understand the term conformity when used as â€Å"sheeple†in the political world. Those who go with the growd, just because. Halloween and Religion seem like two natural opposites – good and evil brought to life. C. Establish Credibility – In most things I’m a non-conformist. I trust no one and nothing without questioning and understading everything. I question everything even if it seems simple on the surface. Far too often I have found most things are not what they seem, and Religion and Holidays are no exception. D. Preview Central Idea – The term Holiday was originally used to reference Holy Days that were celebrated and remembered with some form of ceremony or worship. Halloween, originally a day of rememberence for the recently deceased and their spirits that returned to earth on the eve of the new year, has become something celebrated by just about everyone, in many cultures, and across many religions, but most notibly in the US where it has become yet another commercialized event, causing people to spend money they might not otherwise spend, to eat food that offer no nutrition at all, and in excess at that, and to go against the number one safety measure your parents drilled into your heads – NEVER TAKE CANDY FROM STRANGERS!! This has become so acceptible in modern religious practices that it’s been given a new name â€Å"Trick-Or-Trunk†. This is an event sponsored by religious elders, held on church grounds, outside in the parking lot, out of the trunks of cars and more often than not, the costumes that are worn do not promote religious purity and goodness, but the very evil the religion is supposed to protect them from. Transition to main points – In order to fully understand how this seemingly innocent day of celebration, creativity and self expression is a contradiction, we need to look at several things. II. Body – summary of main points / personal view Transition to origins When did this holiday begin and why? Was it of pagan origins or is there something more behind Halloween’s history? How should Religions view this day in general? To understand these questions further, we need to go back to the roots of Halloween. A. Origins 1. Celtic Origins a. Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in). The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom and northern France, celebrated their new year on November 1. This day marked the end of summer, the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. b. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. c. In addition to causing trouble and damaging crops, Celts thought that the presence of the otherworldly spirits made it easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests, to make predictions about the future. For a people entirely dependent on the volatile natural world, these prophecies were an important source of comfort and direction during the long, dark winter. d. To commemorate the event, Druids built huge sacred bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities. During the celebration, the Celts wore costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and skins, and attempted to tell each other’s fortunes. When the celebration was over, they re-lit their hearth fires, which they had extinguished earlier that evening, from the sacred bonfire to help protect them during the coming winter. 2. Halloween & Religion a. By 43 A.D., the Roman Empire had conquered the majority of Celtic territory. In the course of the four hundred years that they ruled the Celtic lands, two festivals of Roman origin were combined with the traditional Celtic celebration of Samhain. The first was Feralia, a day in late October when the Romans traditionally commemorated the passing of the dead. The second was a day to honor Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees. The symbol of Pomona is the apple and the incorporation of this celebration into Samhain probably explains the tradition of â€Å"bobbing†for apples that is practiced today. b. Around AD 600, Pope Boniface IV created All Saints’ Day, and Pope Gregory III later moved this holiday to November 1 in an effort to give a Christian alternative to this pagan celebration.5 ( Christians who did not want to celebrate pagan festivals celebrated something of positive spiritual valueâ€â€in this case honoring the saints and m artyrs. With the overwhelming expansion of Christianity in Europe, All Saint’s Day became the dominant holiday.6 ( On May 13, 609 A.D., Pope Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon in Rome in honor of all Christian martyrs, and the Catholic feast of All Martyrs Day was established in the Western church. Pope Gregory III (731–741) later expanded the festival to include all saints as well as all martyrs, and moved the observance from May 13 to November 1. By the 9th century the influence of Christianity had spread into Celtic lands, where it gradually blended with and supplanted the older Celtic rites. c. In 1000 A.D., the church would make November 2 All Souls’ Day, a day to honor the dead. It is widely believed today that the church was attempting to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with a related, but church-sanctioned holiday. All Souls Day was celebrated similarly to Samhain, with big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels and devils. The All Saints Day celebration was also called All-hallows or All-hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning A ll Saints’ Day) and the night before it, the traditional night of Samhain in the Celtic religion, began to be called All-hallows Eve and, eventually, Halloween. A couple hundred years later, the Roman Church made November 2 All Souls Day to honor the dead. This may well have been influenced by the continued persistence of the day of the dead by the ancient Irish, Scots, and others in Europe. Standing against this, many Protestant Christians celebrate October 31 as Reformation Day in honor of reformers such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others who spearheaded the Reformation in the 1500s. ( In fact, the current name of â€Å"Halloween†originates from the day before All Saint’s Day, which was called â€Å"All Hallow Evening†; this name was shortened to â€Å"All Hallow’s Eve†or â€Å"All Hallow’s Even.†The name changed over time and became â€Å"Hallowe’en.†( d. It should be obvious from a Christian perspective that many modern practices of Halloween and days of the dead have evil intent (e.g., 1 Corinthians 10:20). There has been considerable paganism that has been associated with Halloween over the years. Even evil acts such as vandalism, fires, destructive pranks, pretending people are something they are not by dressing up (and particularly by the glorification of sensuality, death, and demons) are in strong opposition to the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:19–23). So, a word of caution must be given to Evangelicals who promote some of the questionable modern practices of Halloween. If anything, an alternative in opposition to Halloween should be offered by Christians. Psalm 24:1 points out that everything belongs to the Lord. Therefore, there is no reason to let Satan have Halloween. It is not his day in the first place! ( 3. Trick-or Treating a. The American Halloween tradition of â€Å"trick-or-treating†probably dates back to the early All Souls’ Day parades in England. During the festivities, poor citizens would beg for food and families would give them pastries called â€Å"soul cakes†in return for their promise to pray for the family’s dead relatives. b. The distribution of soul cakes was encouraged by the church as a way to replace the ancient practice of leaving food and wine for roaming spirits. The practice, which was referred to as â€Å"going a-souling†was eventually taken up by children who would visit the houses in their neighborhood and be given ale, food, and money. c. The tradition of dressing in costume for Halloween has both European and Celtic roots. On Halloween, when it was believed that ghosts came back to the earthly world, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by these ghosts, people would wear masks when they left their homes after dark so that the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits. On Halloween, to keep ghosts away from their houses, people would place bowls of food outside their homes to appease the ghosts and prevent them from attempting to enter. Transition to lost traditions B. Lost traditions/beliefs – Many of these obsolete rituals focused on the future instead of the past and the living instead of the dead. In particular, many had to do with helping young women identify their future husbands and reassuring them that they would somedayâ€â€with luck, by next Halloweenâ€â€be married. 1. In 18th-century Ireland, a matchmaking cook might bury a ring in her mashed potatoes on Halloween night, hoping to bring true love to the diner who found it. 2. In Scotland, fortune-tellers recommended that an eligible young woman name a hazelnut for each of her suitors and then toss the nuts into the fireplace. The nut that burned to ashes rather than popping or exploding, the story went, represented the girl’s future husband. (In some versions of this legend, confusingly, the opposite was true: The nut that burned away symbolized a love that would not last.) 3. Another tale had it that if a young woman ate a sugary concoction made out of walnuts, h azelnuts and nutmeg before bed on Halloween night she would dream about her future husband. 4. According to some accounts, the Halloween supper has featured a roast fowl or even meat, but as the day before a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church, Halloween has traditionally been a day of abstinence from meat. The dishes most associated with Halloween in Irelandâ€â€colcannon, champ, and boxtyâ€â€are all made from root vegetables and earthy harvests such as potatoes and cabbage. Champ is mashed potatoes, frequently with leeks, and served with a pool of melted butter in the top. Colcannon is potatoes and cabbage. Boxty is mashed potatoes mixed with grated raw potatoes, onion, and cabbage, which are then boiled, cut into portions and fried. ( 5. These traditional foods are emblematic of Halloween for many in Ireland. Sometimes, portions were left out for the fairies. In an article published in 1958, K. M. Harris quotes a man who recalls his mother putting salt on the head of each child to prevent them from being taken away by the â€Å"wee peop le†on Halloween. He also recounts her placing a thimble-full of salt on each plate. If the salt fell down that person would die in the next twelve months. These beliefs indicate the continued association of food with the supernatural, and perhaps echo the â€Å"old†new year’s day of Samhain in the idea that what happens on this night affects the next twelve months. ( C. Cultural Similarities (all from – Although many affirm that Samhain was the origin of modern-day Halloween, it is significant to note how many cultures throughout the world have celebrated a â€Å"day of the dead†(often with sacrifices), occurring at the end of summer and fall. There seem to be too many parallels to call these similar celebrations a coincidence. 1. For example, in the Americas there is the Mexican Day of the Dead (El Dà a de los Muertos) that goes back to the ancient festival of the dead celebrated by Aztecs and the more-ancient Olmec. This was likely where the Guatemalans got their Day of the Dead. 2. Brazilians also celebrate Finados (Day of the Dead). Bolivia has the Day of the Skulls (Dà a de los Natitas).7 3. In Asia, there are similar festivals. For example, the Chinese celebrated the Ghost Festival, which was a day to pay homage to dead ancestors. The Japanese celebrated something similar called O-bon or merely Bon. Even Vietnam has a variant of the Ghost Festival called Tet Trung Nguyen. In Korea, there is Chuseok or Hankawi, in which deceased ancestors are ritualized. In Nepal, there is the cow pilgrimage called Gia Jatra to honor the recently deceased. In the Philippines, there is the Day of the Dead (Araw ng mga Patay), where tombs are cleaned and repainted. The list goes on and on (see reference 5). 4. The annual Jewish holiday of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is celebrated in the fall, usually September or October.8 But it is distinctly different in purpose. It is not in honor of the dead. Rather, it deals with soul searching, repentance, and is a time of great sacrifice for the sins of the people (Leviticus 23:27–28). So, there is some cross over, but God instituted this date. Transition to Halloween in America D. Halloween in America 1. Celebration of Halloween was extremely limited in colonial New England because of the rigid Protestant belief systems there. Halloween was much more common in Maryland and the southern colonies. As the beliefs and customs of different European ethnic groups as well as the American Indians meshed, a distinctly American version of Halloween began to emerge. The first celebrations included â€Å"play parties,†public events held to celebrate the harvest, where neighbors would share stories of the dead, tell each other’s fortunes, dance and sing. Colonial Halloween festivities also featured the telling of ghost stories and mischief-making of all kinds. By the middle of the nineteenth century, annual autumn festivities were common, but Halloween was not yet celebrated everywhere in the country. 2. In the second half of the nineteenth century, America was flooded with new immigrants. These new immigrants, especially the millions of Irish fleeing Ireland’s potato famine of 1846, helped to popularize the celebration of Halloween nationally. Taking from Irish and English traditions, Americans began to dress up in costumes and go house to house asking for food or money, a practice that eventually became today’s â€Å"trick-or-treat†tradition. Young women believed that on Halloween they could divine the name or appearance of their future husband by doing tricks with yarn, apple parings or mirrors. 3. In the late 1800s, there was a move in America to mold Halloween into a holiday more about community and neighborly get-togethers than about ghosts, pranks and witchcraft. At the turn of the century, Halloween parties for both children and adults became the most common way to celebrate the day. Parties focused on games, foods of the season and festive costumes. Parents were encouraged by newspapers and community leaders to take anything â€Å"frightening†or â€Å"grotesque†out of Halloween celebrations. Because of these efforts, Halloween lost most of its superstitious and religious overtones by the beginning of the twentieth century. 4. By the 1920s and 1930s, Halloween had become a secular, but community-centered holiday, with parades and town-wide parties as the featured entertainment. Despite the best efforts of many schools and communities, vandalism began to plague Halloween celebrations in many communities during this time. By the 1950s, town leaders had successfully limited vandalism and Halloween had evolved into a holiday directed mainly at the young. Due to the high numbers of young children during the fifties baby boom, parties moved from town civic centers into the classroom or home, where they could be more easily accommodated. Between 1920 and 1950, the centuries-old practice of trick-or-treating was also revived. Trick-or-treating was a relatively inexpensive way for an entire community to share the Halloween celebration. In theory, families could also prevent tricks being played on them by providing the neighborhood children with small treats. A new American tradition was born, and it has continued to grow. Today, Americans spend an estimated $6 billion annually on Halloween, making it the country’s second largest commercial holiday. III. Conclusion Summarize main points, purpose and view. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Works Cited â€Å"History of Halloween.† A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. Hodge, Bodie. â€Å"Halloween History and the Bible.†Answers in Genesis. Network Solutions, LLC, 29 Oct. 2013. Web. 12 Nov. 2014. Image 1: D4doddy, Digimaree. Samhain Bonfire. Digital image. Ancient Samhain Ritual. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014. . Image 2: Ritual De Samhain (NOCHE DE DIFUNTOS CELTA). Digital image. Cosas De Meiga (Libreria Escuela Tarot). Meiga, 26 Oct. 2012. Web. 12 Nov. 2014. .
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Sugar Farmin in the South essays
Sugar Farmin in the South essays In the past fifteen years, the sugar industry has been under has been under fire for numerous different reasons. Most of which has been the destruction of the Everglades and its habitat. Since then, sugar farmers have did their part to help protect the Everglades by donating millions of dollars and lowering the amount of chemicals in run-off water. Once again, they are under fire. The new Farm Security Act, or The Farm Bill, plans to change sugar policy for the next ten years. Reps. Dan Miller from Florida and George Miller from California have introduced an amendment to the Farm Bill that will have a negative impact on the sugar economy. The new farm bill if passed would devastate the economy in South Florida by raising employment rates and lowering revenue produced by sugar farmers. There are five provisions of the amendment. It would reduce the level of government loans by a penny a pound, double forfeiture fees to two cents a pound. It would also prevent the U.S. secretary of agriculture from imposing marketing limitations on domestically produced sugar. The Miller-Miller amendment would also earmark 300 million dollars for Everglades restoration that would come from anticipated savings resulting from reducing the sugar program. Since the passing of the last Farm Bill in 1996, sugar policy has had problems. Because of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), other countries in North America such as Mexico have substantially entered the U.S. sugar market. Mexicos main export is sugar causing the U.S. sugar industry to produce a huge surplus. Since then, the need to export sugar has decreased drastically. Also, Mexico creates a 455,000 tons surplus and is able to get rid of it in the preferentially priced U.S. market. The grocers and food manufacturers are demanding more profits at the expense of American family farmers. To satisfy their quest for unreasonable cheap supplies of foreign subsidi...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Mistakes Made by Native Spanish Speakers
Mistakes Made by Native Spanish Speakers Question: Do native Spanish speakers make as many grammatical mistakes in everyday Spanish as Americans do in everyday English? I am American and I make grammatical mistakes all the time unknowingly, but they still get the point across. Answer: Unless youre an incessant stickler for grammatical details, chances are you make dozens of errors each day in the way you use English. And if youre like many native speakers of English, you might not notice until youre told that a sentence such as each of them brought their pencils is enough to make some grammarians grit their teeth. Since language errors are so common in English, it shouldnt come as a surprise that Spanish speakers make their share of mistakes too when speaking their language. They generally arent the same mistakes youre likely to make when speaking Spanish as a second language, but they are probably every bit as common in Spanish as they are in English. Following is a list of some of the most common errors made by native speakers; some of them are so common they have names to refer to them. (Because there isnt unanimous agreement in all cases about what is proper, examples given are referred to as nonstandard Spanish rather than as wrong. Some linguists argue that theres no such thing as right or wrong when it comes to grammar, only differences in how various word usages are perceived.) Until you are so comfortable with the language that you have reached fluency and can use a style of speech appropriate for your situation, you are probably best off avoiding these usages - although they are accepted by many speakers, especially in informal contexts, they might be viewed as uneducated by some. Dequeà smo In some areas, the use of de que where que will do has become so common that it is on the verge of being considered a regional variant, but in other areas it is strongly looked down on as being the mark of an inadequate education. Nonstandard: Creo de que el presidente es mentiroso. Standard: Creo que el presidente es mentiroso. (I believe the president is a liar.) Loà smo and Laà smo Le is the correct pronoun to use as the indirect object meaning him or her. However, lo is sometimes used for the male indirect object, especially in parts of Latin America, and la for the female indirect object, especially in parts of Spain. Nonstandard: La escribà una carta. No lo escribà . Standard: Le escribà una carta a ella. No le escribà a à ©l. (I wrote her a letter. I did not write to him.) Le for Les Where doing so doesnt create ambiguity, especially where the indirect object is explicitly stated, it is common to use le as a plural indirect object rather than les. Nonstandard: Voy a enseà ±arle a mis hijos como leer. Standard: Voy a enseà ±arles a mis hijos como leer. (I will teach my children how to read.) Quesuismo Cuyo is often the Spanish equivalent of the adjective whose, but it is used infrequently in speech. One popular alternative frowned on by grammarians is the use of que su. Nonstandard: Conocà a una persona que su perro estaba muy enfermo. Standard: Conocà a una persona cuyo perro estaba muy enfermo. (I met a person whose dog was very sick.) Plural Use of Existential Haber In the present tense, there is little confusion in the use of haber in a sentence such as hay una casa (there is one house) and hay tres casas (there are three houses). In other tenses, the rule is the same - the singular conjugated form of haber is used for both singular and plural subjects. In most of Latin America and the Catalan-speaking parts of Spain, however, plural forms are often heard and are sometimes considered a regional variant. Nonstandard: Habà an tres casas. Standard: Habà a tres casas. (There were three houses.) Misuse of the Gerund The Spanish gerund (the verb form ending in -ando or -endo, generally the equivalent of the English verb form ending in -ing) should, according to the grammarians, generally be used to refer to another verb, not to nouns as can be done in English. However, it appears to be increasingly common, especially in journalese, to use gerunds to anchor adjectival phrases. Nonstandard: No conozco al hombre viviendo con mi hija. Standard: No conozco al hombre que vive con mi hija. (I dont know the man living with my daughter.) Orthographic Errors Since Spanish is one of the most phonetic languages, its tempting to think that mistakes in spelling would be unusual. However, while the pronunciation of most words can almost always be deduced from the spelling (the main exceptions are words of foreign origin), the reverse isnt always true. Native speakers frequently mix up the identically pronounced b and the v, for example, and occasionally add a silent h where it doesnt belong. It also isnt unusual for native speakers to get confused on the use of orthographic accents (that is, they may confuse que and quà ©, which are pronounced identically).
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Property law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Property law - Case Study Example In addition, with partners that want to join in her business and their various reasons, which probably may not be in line with the image she wants to project, the lack of partners makes it an attractive option. The business is also flexible and permits her to uphold a relationship with her target clients, as well as having no corporate tax (Knapp & Semmel, 2011). This makes it an attractive option. However, it is true that it is not an extremely attractive option because Betty will be fully liable for the business, which is risky because she will be welcoming the customers into her place of business. Betty will also have to deal with raising the funds on her own and deal with her limited managerial abilities (Knapp & Semmel, 2011). The reduced sources of capital that are available for her also make expansion difficult. Finally, the fact that she is obligated to use her own funds and that of her family, coupled with unlimited liability does make it an unattractive option. Corporation I find this to be short of the best option, despite the provision of liability protection. Considering that the integration time for a corporation requires more money and time as compared to a sole proprietorship. The business will also be regulated and supervised by entity rules from local, state, and federal jurisdictions. This would make it more difficult to use the name â€Å"The Gathering Place†since it is already in use in the state and another state. Incorporation of Betty’s business may also result in the business being liable to paying more taxes (Cross, 2009). In addition, the dividends that the corporation will pay to shareholders will not be deductible, and the income may be double taxed. I do not believe that franchising will be applicable in this case; the corporate feel it gives the business may not be suitable for a Christian family-based establishment. Partnership It is my belief that a partnership would be the best idea for Betty’s coffee shop . Indeed, it is true that this form of business will allow Betty to share the business risks and profits with those who are close to her. It is also true that Betty has several takers for the partnership already. The startup cost will be low; the business will possess more borrowing capacity compared to the sole proprietorship, and she can make high caliber Christian employees her partners, which will enable her to get more customers from other churches. In addition, splitting of income will allow her to save on taxes (Mongalo et al, 2010). There will also be limited regulation from outside. This is the best option for Betty and her business. Partners, Investors, Employees Betty’s Husband I agree that Betty taking her husband, as a partner would be a splendid idea for the business. As Christians, it is true that they are one as advised by the Bible, and are one in the eyes of God. John, Betty’s husband, would be an ideal partner in a coffee shop with a Christian settin g, especially in a society where it feels like the institution of marriage is under threat. A coffee shop with a married couple as partners would be a sure draw for the conservative Christian base. John and Betty can contribute to the business as separate entities, from personal sources and bank loans, although they will operate the business as one. Betty’s Sister It is true that Alice is coming into business with an inappropriate reason, and I do not believe that Betty should consider her at all. If John is not for the idea of Alice
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Understand business objectives from an ethical perspective Essay
Understand business objectives from an ethical perspective - Essay Example business objectives are important things that owners can share with their company staff, they are statements that comprise of specific, realistic and measurable goals, which have certain periods that any business has to strive to stick to. In order to achieve its objectives rightly, there are important measures a business has to refer to in its quest to achieve set objectives, these are the business ethics. Business ethics refers to a certain kind of applied or professional ethics, whose role in business is to make an examination of the manner in which moral values are followed in the business environment (Audi 2009 67). It is important that a business, having set its objectives, devise ethical values to govern the manner in which it conducts its internal and external activities in achieving its set objectives. Business ethics defines the manner in which a business treats its staff, manages their affairs and responds to arising issues satisfactorily. At the same time, business ethics plays an important role in the way a business relates with its external environment, it ensures that competition is done in the best interest of all players in the industry. If a business fails to observe business ethics, then it is bound to affect its internal and external business operations including a possible confrontation with its stakeholders. Pfizer being a global company; it has a global vision of researching, manufacturing and delivering medicines for all people around the world. In this understanding, the company has created a statement upon which it operates, that is, â€Å"good health is vital†to all people. It has a major corporate objective of producing medicines that can prevent several diseases, currently; the company is working extensively to produce medicines that can cure and prevent some of the world’s most terminal diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer among others. Following the need to fulfill a wide range of health needs for people across the world,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Special interest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Special interest - Essay Example One kind of an interest group is that which takes the form of political groups; the aim of the creation of this kind of interest group is to influence people in the political arena to create policies that favor the interest of a political interest group. One such interest group is Texas Medical Association, this group is said to be the largest medical association that has been operational for years with the aim of representing over 46,000 physicians and other individuals related to the field of medicine (Newell, 2009, p.92). Interest groups often derive their strength from their membership. Some of the largest and most powerful interest groups in the nation include the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). This association has a membership of over 32 million persons. With this kind of membership, pushing for championing of certain interest is not very hard. Other equally influential interest groups include the National Rifle Association (NRA), AFL-CIO and American Medical Association (Chapter 11, n.d). The relationship between interest groups and political groups is a very close one and it has been in existence for a very long period of time. Both these groups are defined to conduct separate functions in a particular nation (Bardes, 2012, p.224). A party has the task of ensuring candidates are elected for various public positions after nominating them. On the contrary, interest groups focus on the policy side of the political environment, where they try to influence the policy decision making process. Even though both these groups are defined to have different operational functions, they have a strong relationship which has lasted for quite a long period of time. For example, interest groups such as environmentalists have close ties with a particular state’s democratic political parties. The close alliance
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company In Jamaica Tourism Essay
The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company In Jamaica Tourism Essay Introduction Executive Summary: Ritz Carlton was founded by Mr. Cesar Ritz who initially worked in finest Hotels and restaurants in Paris. He owned grand Hotel Ritz and within one year he expanded wings in London and opened Hotel Carlton which became Ritz Carlton Hotel Company. He believed in excellent personalized services which satisfied the discerning guest. Ritz Carlton expanded to North America and ownership changed during 1983 to Johnson Company. During 1983 1987 Ritz Carlton expanded domestically and internationally under new ownership. [i] During 1997 Marriott International purchased Ritz Carlton and by 2000 it became primarily a management company operating 38 Hotels and resorts worldwide with minority stake in 10 properties and outright ownership of 3 hotels. The company used to obtain management contracts for new hotels and resorts around the world. Over the years hotel conglomerate won acclaimed for its services and had been awarded Best Hotel in Asia Pacific in the eight Business Traveler Asia / Pacific magazine Travel Awards Subscribe Survey and for two consecutive years Best Business Hotel in Malaysia. The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company for the first time now wants to open a hotel in historic Foggy Bottom district of Washington D C in Multi Use facility complex owned by Millennium Partners. The Hospitality Complex is 162 Luxury Condominiums, sports club, splash Spa, three restaurant, and 40,000 square feet of street -level restaurants and retail shops and 300-room hotel. Millennium partners founded in 1990 that set up high end luxury apartments and Lincoln square four building complex in New York was their first project and exhibited their future intensions. Millennium partners ended up in hotel business. In this case study Essence of Ritz-Carlton experience, the Ritz-Carlton selling, how the Ritz-Carlton creates Ladies and Gentlemen in only 7 days. Also McBride, Ritz-Carlton GM, to lengthen the amount of time spent on training hotel employees before hotel opening. McBride should consider a total overhaul of the hotel opening process. Products and Services Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company develops and Operates luxury hotels. Hotels are designed and identified to appeal to and suit the requirements of major customers including meeting event planners, Business travelers and leisure travelers. Ritz- Carlton set out to open any new hotel Ritz-Carlton including detailed analysis of site selection, new product and service development and feasibility study. The detailed analysis also includes target customers, their needs and expectations. The each hotel customized to meet local market demand. Innovation through make use of latest technology for enhancing customer satisfaction level Link restaurant services through internet It allows customers to decide menus ahead of time and also select the choice of table. Differential aesthetic look and best quality interior was few of the additional features. Core Values Business Model Following are the core values and Business model exist at Ritz Carlton: Core values: Trust, honesty, integrity and commitment. A great emphasizing on human resources, believes it important and biggest assets Foster work environment to fulfill individual aspirations Focus on Service but not sales Guest greets at Airport with mimosas and discount coupons on a silver tray Airport check in concierge Techno savvy to ensure customers needs satisfied Event Planners Ritz -Carlton managed properties for Millennium partners who were one of several hotel owners. Ritz Carlton charged management fees of 3% of total revenue besides wholly owned luxury hotels around the world. The customer segment was Independent travelers and Meeting Event planners. The key success indicators of hotel business were Average Daily Rate and Revenue per Available Room. Independent travelers were influenced through special services like providing discounting coupons at airports, created hotel room at airport and also introduced Technology Butler. The specialized services increased customer convenience and outpaced the competition. The nature of services is perishable and individual travelers are aiding in profitability. The event business / meeting business are growing and desirable for the sustainable profitability. The management contracts tend to meet needs of owners and operators. Quality at Ritz Carlton: Ritz Carlton has a great emphasizing on human resources. Robust HRM practices envisage right people for the right job and inducted to become perfect lady and gentleman. The total quality management philosophy began to permeate the organization. Company focused on new activities and measures including quality standards, continuous improvements for delivering better service quality. New programs designed to meet customer specific need and service quality indicators. The Quality policy believes in Exceeding Standards. Warm and sincere greeting, anticipation and compliances of guest needs and warm good bye are key service steps. Human resources at Ritz Carlton: Human resources is critical element in the process for understanding of the service to be delivered and priorities in doing so, are aligned closely with customers expectations and marketing communications by the organization. For managers, the service climate needs to support and reward employees in their efforts to deliver the service product reliably at the promised standard. The value creation for customer If the customer perceives quality of the service to be higher than the cost incurred, the customer receives value. The greater the difference between the quality of service and the cost, greater will be the satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Ritz Carlton turnover rate was 20% compared to hotel industry average rate of 100%. This exhibits how Ritz Carlton cares about their employees and viewed their employees as one of the important and biggest assets and has passion for the people. Ritz Carlton nurtured and maximizes talent of each individual. Through the extensive formal and informal training employee were prepared to meet current obligations and also higher responsibilities in future. Employees were also trained to meet futuristic obligations and encouraged to cross train and learn about many different aspects. Performance was not only criteria but also managed by the employees themselves. Employees monitoring their own performance and recognized for outstanding work. Staffing: To minimize failure in delivering services, key HRM practices like employee recruitment, selection and training focused and implemented. People having aptitude, talent and attitude to serve people, training schedule made sure to shape out staff for delivering exceptional services. The key of maintaining exceptional service standards was to keep high morale and motivation of each employee. Various tools were used to attract applicants for the various positions include visiting competitors restaurants, advertisement in news papers and visiting hospitality schools. Ritz Carlton job fair was organized for mass recruitment. Aspirants treated well including convenient reaching to destination of job fair, offering snacks and beverages, make them aware about organization. Service Oriented Approach of Ritz-Carlton The customer service oriented approach has three elements: For whom services and products created who will deliver and how will be delivered. Customer Value Customer relationships and customer loyalty Different communication and pricing strategies Assessment of customer satisfaction and complaints Making customer value more tangible People Role of employees in value creation Nature of competencies required to deliver services Empowerment of employees Reduction of stress Operations and Technology Designing processes to create value Design and location of facilities Role of technology Capacity management The Ritz Carlton having different value and philosophy in business which includes and they operate The Credo, The Motto, The Three Steps of Service, Service Values, the 6th Diamond the Employee Promise. The company is engage in the services oriented which have the unique characteristics for providing the services in order to meet the expectation of the customer. Some of the highlights have been captured depicted below:- Excellence in service not in Selling The Ritz-Carlton Philosophy states as they are not in the hotel business. The Ritz-Carlton is selling an experience, and experience that is based on excellence of service. As stated by Schulze, We are not in the hotel business. The hotel business is about selling rooms, selling food, selling the bar. We do those things incidentally, but our business is service. We charge for service. Our commitment to our customers is excellence in service. Their commitment to customers is excellence in service. Service is their profession. The total service oriented approach. The Credo The Ritz-Carlton Hotel is a place where the genuine care and comfort of guests is the highest mission. Pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilities for guests who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed, yet refined ambience. The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being, and fulfils even the unexpressed wishes and needs of guests. Motto At The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen. This motto exemplifies the anticipatory service provided by all staff members. Motto of the company, Employee commitment, The credo, employee promises and twenty basics are gold standards and success mantras. Gold standards reinforced on daily basis in order to build the habits of employees to deliver the highest level of services The three steps of service,- A warm and sincere greeting. Use the guests name. Anticipation and fulfillment of each guests needs Fond farewell give a warm good-bye and use the guests name. Service Values: Employees feel proud To Be Ritz-Carlton as they have opportunity to do following which gives them job satisfaction. The Ritz Carlton is known for service excellence and follow following principals to provide excellent service to their customers.. 1. Employee satisfaction. 2. Leadership involvement. 3. Determination, commitment, and accountability. 4. Attend to voice of the customers. 5. Two-way communication. 6. Freedom to act. 7. Employees as ambassadors. 8. Adapt service recovery model (L.A.S.T.: Listen, Apologize, Solve, and Thank You.) 9. Anticipate needs. 10. Scripting to convey the right message [ii] The 6th Diamond is Mystique, Emotional Engagement Functional , these all cared by Ritz- Carlton and known 6th Diamond. Employee Promises At The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen are the most important resource in service commitment to guests. By applying the principles of trust, honesty, respect, integrity and commitment, they nurture and maximize talent to the benefit of each individual and the company. The Ritz-Carlton fosters a work environment where diversity is valued, quality of life is enhanced, individual aspirations are fulfilled, and The Ritz-Carlton Mystique is strengthened. [iii] Creating Service Oriented culture through orientation Servitisation approach means bundling goods services and makes a integrated package. This approach more focus on associated services than product Four steps in creating servitisation approach:- Knowing your customers Organizing service delivery systems Making sure employees have appropriate skills Employing technology A services discipline is defined by the following main features: The benefits it offers to customers The need to integrate, manage and deliver processes The importance of establishing and maintaining relationships The Ritz-Carlton As a premium hotel whose utmost mission is to provide genuine care and comfort to guests, The Ritz-Carlton pledges to provide the finest personal service and facilities to the guests who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed yet refined ambience.And this objective can only be fulfilled by satisfied and engaged employees. The three goals of Ritz are financial results, customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. These goals are not exclusive from each other. They are very closely interrelated. Without satisfied and engaged employees, there is no way to achieve excellent financial results and guest satisfaction. To ensure such high service standards, Management team look for people who will fit the existing culture and see the following qualities in the people. People who share the same values and purpose. People who care for and respect others. People who smile naturally. People who seek a long term relationship. People who have talent for the job Process of Ritz to create Ladies and Gentlemen in only 7 days The seven days countdown was formulated for hotel opening process which was refined during in the process of last several years , this was the new employees first encounter with hotel, which started exactly seven days before the grand opening of the hotel. The first two (2) days were devoted to orienting employees to the company culture and values. The next five days were devoted to more skills training and trial runs of service delivery. To ensure that employees are get aligned with organization mission and core values. Trainers from 23 nationalities The orientation process is slow and thorough, and ensures that the employees are aligned with the organizations mission and a great deal of focus is kept on the conveying the values of the organization. The trainers for the orientation program are gathered from 23 different countries, all considered the best of the best in their role within the organization. These trainers are responsible for ensuring that each employee is at the required level or standard in their specific job function at the hotel. Schulze addresses the new team by stating, You are not servants. We are not servants. Our profession is service. We are ladies and gentleman. We are ladies and gentleman and should be respected as such. He conveys a message of unity, a message of equality and team work during his address, and he again insists that We are ladies and gentleman serving ladies and gentleman, as per the Ritz Carlton motto. The Ritz-Carlton employed the Gold Standards to ensure this message was communicated effectively to all employees; the Gold Standard included The Credo, The Three Steps of Service, The Motto, The Employee Promise and the Twenty Basics to ensure employees were focused on the organizations values. Through continuous communication and brain storming session and directives from top to down level and intensive training, skill development and an aligned HRM strategy, within 7 days the Ritz-Carlton managed to create ladies and gentleman out of their employees. The steps for making Ladies and Gentleman Training and daily line-up: During the first two days employees were aware, trained and dipped into the culture and values of the organization and remaining five days devoted to specific skill training and trial runs of service delivery ensuring everything perfect and meeting service standards. The orientation process ensures aligns the worker with the mission of company and ensured service philosophy ingrained in all its employees, they ingrained the message that all employees are in the service business and not the hotel business. The executive team and Human Resources explain The Ritz-Carlton Credo, Employee Promise, and 12 Service Values. After that, they will receive 30 days of training from a certified trainer from the department. On Day 21, new employees are asked to give the management feedback on how they can improve their training program for future training and recertification. In addition, every employee gets a minimum of 130 hours of training every year, which spans training for his or her department, company culture, and language and computer skills. Day 365 is recognition of one year of loyal service and is an opportunity to reinforce the hotels culture. Every employee will also go through annual recertification after they pass written tests, role-play and interviews on culture and skill. Daily line-up is a daily briefing to reiterate the companys standard and convey important business messages. It takes place every morning in each department. While each department may conduct briefings differently, the message they convey is the same worldwide: they will talk about one of the 12 Service Values. Listening and communication: Communication is important and creates abundant opportunities to interact with employees beginning with the interview and continuing through monthly breakfast meetings and his daily rounds of the hotel: Human Resources also holds a monthly feedback session with randomly selected employees for 1 to 1.5 hours to discuss their concerns. Overall, every employee has one opportunity every year to speak with the General Manager or HR Director in private. In addition, the hotel conducts annual employee satisfaction surveys, and on an ongoing basis, collects opinions on employee issues and posts them in public areas identifying those responsible for solving them. The executive team then notes the number of issues solved and measures the satisfaction of the employees. Empowerment and continuous improvement: Employees are also encouraged to be innovative and creative when it comes to improving their jobs. Money is not the key motivator; employees are rewarded for improving the goals measured by guest satisfaction, financial performance and employee satisfaction at year-end. Employees are rewarded and recognized for their outstanding customer service. [iv] Information support: Through their numerous interactions with guests throughout their stay like check in, room service, and housekeeping, employees continuously record guest preferences and needs in Guest Preference Forms. Every night, such preferences and needs are entered into The Ritz-Carltons worldwide database Project Mystique, so whenever guests make a reservation at a Ritz-Carlton hotel, their needs and preferences are known and taken care of. Reward and recognition: At The Portman Ritz-Carlton, employees are recognized and rewarded both financially and non-financially. Mark DeCocinis believes if you want your people to be the best, you must pay them top market salaries. While money is not the key motivator, employees are rewarded for improving the goals measured by guest satisfaction, financial performance and employee satisfaction at year end. Employees are rewarded and recognized for their outstanding customer service. Every quarter, a Five-Star Employee Award is granted; with the winner receiving a five-night stay for two at a Ritz-Carlton anywhere in the world, along with round-trip tickets for two and US$500 allowance. At Ritz -Carlton human resources are very well planned they treat with hospitality. As per their President who says you are not servant. We are not servant. Our profession is service. We are ladies and gentleman, just as the guests are whom we respect as ladies and gentleman. If you impart such culture be sure you will create ladies and gentle to serve. Give the respect take the respect, which costs nothing only wins, the heart of the customer who is taking the service will have regards for the service provider. Employee orientation schedule Employee orientation is key part of the training and development process which introduces employees to the jobs, colleagues and organization. Researchers have found that formal orientation can achieve significant cost savings by reducing anxiety of new employees, fostering positive attitudes, job satisfaction and sense of commitment at the start of the employment relationship. The 7 day countdown was a Hallmark of Ritz Carltons well defined hotel opening process which synchronized all steps leading to the opening of a new hotel. It was Ritz Carltons orientation process aimed at aligning the employee with the vision and mission of the organization. The 7 day orientation process was standardized and ensured that Ritz Carlton has the right employees to support its vision which was Excellent Personalized Service. The seven day countdown was a worldwide best practice for the organization but in our opinion McBride should lengthen the 7 day countdown because of the following reasons: Current difficulty faced in training new hires to meet the high expectation of Ritz Carltons standards in only 7 days. An increase in the training period would help employees understand their role in achieving the key success factors and creating the The Ritz Carlton Mystique. By lengthening the 7 day countdown the service could become flawless which in turn could help translate the 5% dissatisfied customers to satisfied customers. This would result in occupancy going up from 80% to 88% due to increase in satisfaction level translating to $300 million. Extending the 7 day countdown means investing in long standing excellence in areas such as employee orientation and customer oriented training resulting in increased customer engagement and satisfaction. Research on guest-spending patterns indicates that a four percent increase in customer engagement company-wide would generate an extra $40 million in incremental revenue. Employees morale is boosted as they are protected from feeling overwhelmed. A longer employee engagement would also mean further decrease in the annual turnover which stood at 18%. Adults by virtue of having lived longer accumulate greater volume, knowledge and mind-sets. It would help to have more time for the employees to o un-learn and learn new things. Continuous improvement was absolutely critical to keep the commitment to customer for excellence in service and extending the 7 day countdown would help the process. Would help thwart competition from The Four Seasons by offering flawless service which can be achieved by increasing the orientation period. Would help meet the expectations of the Millennium Partners about this hotel offering great great service which means it expected Service par excellence. Thus we believe that Ritz Carlton should therefore increase the length of the orientation to further ingrain service excellence in its new employees which will ensure higher productivity and foster competitiveness. An assessment of 7 days vs 14 days training program 50% occupancy revenue = $5,000,000 Cost of the 7 day training program = $10,00,000 (estimated) 80% occupancy revenue = $8,000,000 Cost of the 14 day training program = $20,00,000 (estimated) Benefit of the program = 3,000,000 Additional Cost = 1000,000 Return On Investment = 300% Every investment including investment for employee training associated with cost and benefit. The cost and benefit mean cost involved in training of employees, direct revenue benefit, intangible benefits. The increase / decrease training schedule also adversely / favorably impact. Ritz Carlton is well known name to the industry and known for service centric approach. Initial Occupancy may not affected by training period but message of customer care approach need to be ingrained. Local culture also affects the training schedule as behavior of individual employees need to framed up in line of the global approach. Change in hotel opening process Change is part of life. World scenario is becoming dynamic and industry is coming up with innovative products to lure customers. In order to stay ahead in competition, Ritz Carlton also need to think differently. The entire training module, customer expectancy needs overhaul of the hotel opening process. The defects need to eliminate within shortest time frame.. Additional training and development will increase the cost but it will build up confidence and set new industry bench mark. Ongoing operation is very different from the opening a new hotel. The opening hotel require two core competencies One is dealing with the development of the site. Human resource processes necessary to get the hotel up running. Ritz-Carlton regarded employees as the cornerstone of its exceptional service culture. The company understood that, as a service organization, the quality of its end product was only as good as the people providing it. Therefore it took care to see that it not only recruited the right kind of employees, but also provided them with the necessary inputs to enable them to provide exceptional service. Although Ritz-Carltons salaries were not significantly higher than those of other comparable organizations in the hospitality industry, the company was a preferred employer because of its organizational culture and the way it treated its employees. Ritz-Carltons organizational culture not only helped the company provide exemplary customer service, but also created an atmosphere where employees felt valued. It is difficult to train new hires to meet the high expectation of the Ritz Carlton service standards in only seven days, but it worked in Ritz Carlton. Training should not be longer which will not be cost effective in the short span of the time. The employees already working should be given chance to in the second opening millennium to avoid taking risk at the opening itself. Recruitment should be done for the Ritz Carlton not for the millennium because the employee can be transferred as per the requirement. The employees of the Millennium partners can be taken for the opening, as the partners employees will feel proud to work jointly as a team. This will give opportunity to the partners employee who knows the brand fame of the Ritz Carlton by giving the Ritz Carlton basics. Ritz-Carlton management takes the following four steps to ensure that employees maintain the companys high standards for quality and service Excellence, as articulated in the Gold Standards: (i) rigorous employee selection process, (ii) employee orientation, (iii) employee training certification, and (iv) continuous coaching. Conclusion: The service industry is becoming more competitive. Global aspirations and technological innovations are challenges for the industry. Customers are loyal to the services rather than company. The services need to revisit and provide latest offers. Worlds best organizations believe in beating their own standards and developing innovating products to serve and win customer hearts. 100 % employee pride Joy, Zero customer difficulty and 100% customer loyalty are performance criteria of performance excellence set by Ritz Carlton Hotels. The road map created for performance excellence through strategic planning, leadership, Human resources, Processes Systems, customer focus, information analysis finally business results. Employees groomed and equipped to exceed (Not meet) customer requirements. Regular updating training needs, deliverance evaluation, PDCA (Plan, Do Check, Act) and Z- back approach; unlearning learning approach aided in meeting industry challenges.
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